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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park FAQ, timeline, and infographics (pinned post)

From the latest Construction Alert: new street closures coming on Dean, starting tomorrow

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According to the latest Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Construction Alert, (bottom) covering the two weeks beginning yesterday and circulated yesterday at 1:54 pm (late) by Empire State Development after preparation by Greenland Forest City Partners, segments of Dean Street should be closing at different times.

Notably, tomorrow, 4/27/16, water connection work for the B3 (aka 38 Sixth Avenue) residential tower requires the closure/partial closure of Dean Street between Flatbush and Sixth avenues.

The work is expected to start after 10 am and be done by 5 pm, as stipulated by DOT permits. Pathways will remain open to pedestrians, as stated in the Community Notice at right. This work will not require any disruption of water service to residents along Dean Street or within the Barclays Center.

Additionally, temporary closures of Dean Street between Carlton and Vanderbilt avenues may occur for electrical installations by Con Edison to serve the B11 (550 Vanderbilt) and B14 (535 Carlton) towers.. If so, community notices will be distributed.

New fences

Also from the alert, pending New York City Department of Transportation approvals, new barriers to streets and sidewalks, part of installation of new MPT [maintenance and protection of traffic zone] and mobilization of equipment along Atlantic Avenue adjacent to the Vanderbilt Yard (west of Carlton Avenue), will begin within the two weeks.

Weekend work, and noise

Drilling of foundation piles near Sixth Avenue in the Vanderbilt Yard below grade will be performed on Saturdays and Sundays during this reporting period. Based on past experiences, that could get loud, though noise is not specified in the alert.

Saturday work may continue at B2 (461 Dean Street, modular), B3, B11, and B12 (615 Dean Street). (There was no mention of weekend work at B14, as in the past.) Night and weekend work is expected at the Vanderbilt Yard.

Progress at B15

And while there seemed to have been a delay in demolishing a two-story garage on the B15 site just east of Sixth Avenue between Dean and Pacific streets, that work is now ongoing.

Last week I saw workers demolishing the structure, which is very close to a Dean Street apartment building, by hand.

Other new work is described below, verbatim.

B11 ā€“ 550 Vanderbilt Avenue:
ā€¢ Deliveries of MEP trades every three days. Installation of ductwork on 2nd and 3rd floor, Risers from 8th floor to 12th floor. Setting heat pump on 7th thru 12th floor.
ā€¢ Window deliveries are ongoing, weekly. Contractor is installing windows / receptors on 9th floor and up where precast panels are set.
ā€¢ Sheetrock deliveries on Saturdays.

B14- 535 Carlton Avenue:
ā€¢ Ramps and curbs will be filled at parking levels during this period.
