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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park infographics: what's built/coming/missing, who's responsible, + project overview/FAQ/timeline (pinned post)

Coverage of rezonings and plans in the M-CROWN district

As I wrote 3/28/22, beginning a 13-part series (see logo below), "This the first of several articles about the M-CROWN district, just to the east of the Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park site, which deserves more attention, since the cumulative development approved and proposed, however piecemeal, is already significant and controversial."

As it turns out, I had covered the issues intermittently and irregularly, including some in 2021 for Bklyner. But they deserved attention earlier. So this page collects the articles

Original map by Kaja Kühl, adapted in April 2022 to add 962 Pacific; rezonings in light blue
are pending; 
apartment counts, from Environmental Assessment Statements, include areas beyond
parcels owned by applicants; 1050 Pacific would now have 234 units and 1010 Pacific 175 units

November 29, 2015: Developer buys auto-related lots catercorner to NE edge of Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park, plans apartments on Atlantic

809 Atlantic/550 Clinton
January 11, 2018: New 312-foot residential tower at Atlantic/Vanderbilt would match height of future (bulkier) catercorner Pacific Park tower (see image at right)

March 13, 2018: Catercorner to Atlantic Yards site, 550 Clinton tower tweaked, looks more like 550 Vanderbilt

November 9, 2018: Proposed rezonings for new (mostly) residential buildings at 1010 and 1050 Pacific Street, not so far from AY/PP

August 8, 2019: McDonald’s lot opposite Pacific Park flank eyed for high-rise; expected spot rezoning might exceed Community Board 8's still-significant broader plan

November 25, 2020: New 550 Clinton tower rising at northeast corner of Vanderbilt and Atlantic avenues; would be matched by B10 tower (if/when it's built)

March 12, 2021: Images from 840 Atlantic Avenue both show and downplay the Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park context

April 9, 2021: Developers Propose Two 17-Story Towers in Prospect Heights/Crown Heights. CB 8 Says Whoa, Gets Backing From Cumbo (Bklyner)

April 12, 2021: A few Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park angles in the latest Atlantic Avenue development proposals

April 12, 2021: A few Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park angles in the latest Atlantic Avenue development proposals

July 3, 2021: Proposed 1045 Atlantic Ave. advances, with a trim to 145 feet. BP public hearing Wednesday. Affordable housing at 80% of AMI. Upzoning worth $60+ million?


January 15, 2022: 840 Atlantic has new permit filing, indicating two towers instead of one, but that's about it (and McDonald's still operates)

Beginning of series

March 28, 2022: As City Planning calls Atlantic Ave. an "Opportunity Corridor," a gold rush for spot rezonings & new density (+ affordability) in proposed M-CROWN district. A test for new CM Hudson. 

End of series

Screenshot from City Planning Commission session

April 19, 2022: As CPC gives blessing to revised Atlantic Avenue rezonings, more info emerges, but questions remain about enforcement and counter-parties. Nearby property owners to gain.
