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Atlantic Yards advisory meeting rescheduled for 3 pm on Tuesday, March 25, in Manhattan. Will there be any answers?

As I wrote yesterday, the scheduled meeting March 19 of the (purportedly) advisory Atlantic Yards Community Development Corporation (AY CDC)--an opportunity, perhaps, to learn about the project's future--was postponed, because of a lack of a quorum.

Now it's been rescheduled for 3 pm next Tuesday, March 25, at Empire State Development, 655 Third Avenue ā€“ 4th Floor Conference Room.

Due to purported building procedures, members of the public attending in-person should RSVP by 4:30 pm on Monday, March 24. Members of the press should call (800) 260-7313; members of the public should call (212) 803-3795.

The public may listen to the meeting via webcast here.

Comments and issues

Members of the public may submit comments on the Agenda items in writing to by 3 pm on Monday, March 24. (The Agenda, of course, is vague, so no one can comment on what's actually said at the meeting.)

All comments received by the deadline will be distributed to the Directors prior to the meeting and will be posted online.

I raised several questions in my preview. Before the earlier meeting, the AY CDC posted one public comment, which consisted of Prospect Heights resident Robert Puca distilling several of the pre-meeting questions I'd posed.

Note: I raised some more questions in an article this week, about the role of Fortress Investment Group, and will follow up with more tomorrow.
