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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park FAQ, timeline, and infographics (pinned post)

840 Atlantic may qualify for 421-a benefits well before McDonald's case is resolved.

See collected coverage of M-CROWN rezonings: click here.

Let's so how this works. 

The developers of 840 Atlantic Ave., who've apparently proposed two separate buildings on a lot currently occupied mostly by a drive-through McDonald's, have filed plans to have foundations installed by June 15, to take advantage of the current 421-a tax break, as I wrote.

They apparently plan to build foundations well before any litigation filed by McDonald's--which is aiming to block its eviction--is resolved. 

According to a briefing schedule proposed by the landlord/defendant Vanderbilt Atlantic Holdings, as shown below, all papers must be filed by June 27. 

That's after the 421-a deadline.

That suggests the possibility that initial footings will persist for a significant period, while the case is being resolved. 

Update: no communication with CB 8

Just as the developers of 840 Atlantic did not respond to questions from me, they have not been in communication with Community Board 8, which means the announced commitments--including permanent low-cost space for an arts center and affordable housing under Option 3 of Mandatory Inclusionary Housing--are in question. 

"In fact, the 840 Atlantic applicants did execute a CBA prior to CB8ā€™s September full board meeting," CB 8's Gib Veconi told me. "CB8 would have countersigned had the motion to adopt the Land Use Committeeā€™s recommendation passed. The CBA contained commitments for MIH 3, arts center space, and height and setback requirements. The agreement envisioned a single building, but didnā€™t require it. I canā€™t speculate whether the applicants would have agreed to a single building."

I would note that the announced 17-story height of the taller building does seem to conform to the agreement, and it would be very bad politics not to include the art center. 
