The latest Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Construction Update (bottom), covering the two weeks beginning Monday, April 4, was circulated yesterday at 4:21 pm (lead time) by Empire State Development (ESD) after preparation by Greenland Forest City Partners.
There not much different from the
previous update, notably another contractor, RCN, expected to pull new fiber optic cables on Dean Street between Carlton and Vanderbilt avenues, with start times/date and duration not yet confirmed--as with other pending utility work outside the B12/B13 towers (615 Dean St. & 595 Dean St.).
Utility work pending/continuing
Also, sewer and utility work is both continuing and pending at the southeast block of the site.
Metropolitan Sewers will continue the installation of manholes, piping and drainage structures on Pacific Street between Carlton and Vanderbilt avenues. Staging of trucks and equipment will occur on Pacific Street, with no impact to traffic on Dean Street.
Verizon has pulled new fiber optic cables on Dean Street and will advise if any additional work is required. Altice has installed new telecom conduits and will advise if any additional work is required.
As previously predicted, Con Ed may be on site to install interconnection feeder cables between vaults; National Grid is expected to install a new high pressure gas main. These have been forecast several times, but apparently didn't happen.
After-hours work continues; some (yet again) misreported
Regarding after-hours work at B4 (18 Sixth Ave.), the Construction Update accurately lists weekday work
5 am to
10 pm. Saturday work is listed accurately as
9 am to 5 pm. Sunday work can be the same hours, but there are no after-hours variances yet.
Regarding after-hours work at B12 & B13, the document accurately states weekday work hours are
6 am to 6 pm. It also says "Saturday work from 9 AM ā 5 PM will continue."
Well, today's variance is again until
5:30 pm, continuing a
pattern, representing a small but not unimportant advantage, and nondisclosure. Nobody bothers to check.
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