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Ratner (and wife) support Working Families Party, Cuomo, Schneiderman; even a contribution to Citizens Union

There was an interesting aside in Bill Mahoney's report in Capital New York' yesterday, Real estate money fuels controversy in Assembly race, concerning the very contested race to succeed Karim Camara in Brooklyn.

Most of the article deals with the real estate support for candidate Shirley Patterson--support via the Independence Party, gaining contributions from real estate investor Alexander Rovt and direct support from Leonard Litwinā€™s Glenwood Management.

But Working Families Party candidate Diana Richardson, who has pledged not to take money from landlords and developers, is not completely pure, suggests Mahoney:
The W.F.P. itself has also taken money from wealthy developers. It received a combined $25,000 from Bruce Ratner and his wife last October.
More on Ratner

Why would Ratner and his wife Pamela Lipkin support the Working Families Party? Perhaps they were asked by WFP co-founder Bertha Lewis, longtime Atlantic Yards ally/partner, who now heads the Black Institute.

After all, when she asked for $1.5 million to bail out the embattled national ACORN, which she headed, Forest City Ratner ponied up.

Ratner, interestingly enough, also gave $10,000 to the good-government group Citizens Union, which has historically been rather quiet regarding Atlantic Yards. He also gave $5,000 to the Kings County Democratic County Committee.

He and Lipkin gave a total of $20,000 last year to the campaigns of Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and $19,000 to Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Ratner's contributions

Lipkin's contributions

Citizens Union State Policy Agenda - 2015
Increase disclosure, reduce conflicts of interest and limit outside income earned by state legislators.
Ensure that the Joint Commission on Public Ethics enforces newly enacted oversight rules, and require more disclosure of decision-making by the Commission.
Empower the Attorney General to investigate and prosecute cases involving public corruption.
Amend the state constitution to extend pension forfeiture, subject to due process safeguards, to public officers and elected officials who have been convicted of felonies.

Institute a public matching system; lower campaign contribution limits; enact ā€œpay-to-playā€ restrictions on those who do business with the state.
Ensure effective implementation of the law creating the chief enforcement counsel at the Board of Elections.
Ensure enforcement of new statutory requirements for disclosure of independent expenditures.
Clarify the definition of coordination between candidates and political committees.


  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    I will say it again and again when I read these posts that actually dig into reality of politics and society around here, this blog is ESSENTIAL READING for anyone with a serious even passing interest in politics and the workings of NYC.

    What a joke WFP are.

    There is really no elected official really working for the public on a consistent ethical basis, only constantly morphing special interests, it is a wonder anything good ever gets done


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