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WFAN host Carton to Yormark: "You're not moving to Brooklyn"

WFAN host Craig Carton of the show "Boomer & Carton" hasn't drunk the Brett Yormark Kool-Aid. Interviewing the Nets CEO yesterday, Carton told Yormark at the end of the segment that "I think you've lied to me twice" and "I'm going to call you on it when I prove these to be lies later on in your tenure with the Nets."

Yormark denied that he lied. Then again, to another WFAN interviewer in September 2007, Yormark said groundbreaking would be that fall and asserted, unequivocally, "We'll be in Brooklyn for the 09-10 season."

Not moving to Brooklyn

CC: "Let's get down to the bottom line. You're not moving to Brooklyn."

BY: "We are moving to Brooklyn."

CC: "You're not moving to Brooklyn."

BY: "We're moving to Brooklyn."

CC: "Why can't you come clean and just be honest. How are you moving to Brooklyn? They haven't put a shovel in the ground yet... Give me a realistic time frame."

(This was before it emerged that work has stopped at the Vanderbilt Yard.)

BY: "A realistic time frame is in Brooklyn, operating in the summer of 2011, being there for the 11-12 season."

CC: "So three years from this season... and you will bounce a basketball in an arena in Brooklyn in three years?"

BY: "Absolutely. Convinced of it."

I still think that 2012 is a more realistic best-case scenario.

No move to Newark

Though Carton suggested the the Nets move to the Prudential Center in Newark in the interim, Yormark said the Nets preferred the Izod Center, where they're the prime tenant and which has improved in recent years.

He also made this boast: "When we get to Brooklyn, it will be the biggest story in sports entertainment in 25 years."

Well, if an impressive Frank Gehry arena is ringed by parking lots, that would make the story even more interesting.

Leaving the Nets?

Carton professed some inside information about Yormark's professional future.

CC: "I've been told as a fact that you have accepted a job to go work for the Miami Dolphins."

BY: "I'm committed to the Nets... I'm committed to the long haul."

CC: "Have the Dolphins called you?"

BY: "No, they have not.

CC: "Brett, don't lie to me... Don't turn around six months and go, after telling me you ain't going."

BY: "You guys will be sitting next to me on opening night in Brooklyn."
