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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park FAQ, timeline, and infographics (pinned post)

Correcting the Times's Ward Bakery correction (and my own error), plus a big footnote

Just for the record, the Ward Bakery is still in the final stages of demolition, as the New York Times's correction yesterday stated; it was not completed in October, as I wrote Wednesday.

Indeed, as the photo at right taken from Dean Street shows, crews were working yesterday morning to get rid of debris. (So, Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn was technically wrong in asserting that Forest City Ratner has halted all work in the Atlantic Yards footprint; rather, the developer has halted all new work, and all work in the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Vanderbilt Yard.)

Also, the Times said demolition began in September 2007. Actually, Forest City Ratner announced it would begin in March 2007, and it did.

The surviving segment

In fact, as the photo at right shows, there's a whole part of the building--at the eastern flank, along Pacific Street--that remains intact. It contains two parts: one, shrouded in scaffolding, is undergoing demolition, while the other still operates as Pack It Away Storage, in a structurally stable additional segment.

(I wrote about the surviving piece in September 2007. Another view from yesterday is below.)
