Well, critics like Noticing New York's Michael D.D. White have pointed out how the New York Times, in its criticism of the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC), ignored the LPC's unwillingness to consider the Ward Bakery, in the path of Forest City Ratner's Atlantic Yards plan.
Yesterday the bakery got a mention in a long round-up article, though an unnamed LPC spokesperson was given the last word, suggesting that losing the bakery was no big deal. (NoLandGrab's Eric McClure offered a riposte, and I'll remind people that Forest City Ratner's parent company has renovated a warehouse block in Richmond, VA, that looks surprisingly like Pacific Street.)
Getting the timing wrong
The Times's belated attention to the topic is underscored by the newspaper of record's inability to figure out when the Ward Bakery was actually demolished, even though the demolition was [correction: being] completed at the end of October, just as the LPC was considering a proposed Prospect Heights Historic District that comes very close to the Atlantic Yards footprint. [Correction: it's not quite complete.]
As the screenshot shows, the article as published in print (and in a database) incorrectly reports that the bakery was demolished last year.
However, the online version of the article corrects the record without acknowledging the error.
Yesterday the bakery got a mention in a long round-up article, though an unnamed LPC spokesperson was given the last word, suggesting that losing the bakery was no big deal. (NoLandGrab's Eric McClure offered a riposte, and I'll remind people that Forest City Ratner's parent company has renovated a warehouse block in Richmond, VA, that looks surprisingly like Pacific Street.)
Getting the timing wrong
The Times's belated attention to the topic is underscored by the newspaper of record's inability to figure out when the Ward Bakery was actually demolished, even though the demolition was [correction: being] completed at the end of October, just as the LPC was considering a proposed Prospect Heights Historic District that comes very close to the Atlantic Yards footprint. [Correction: it's not quite complete.]
As the screenshot shows, the article as published in print (and in a database) incorrectly reports that the bakery was demolished last year.
However, the online version of the article corrects the record without acknowledging the error.
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