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AY scoop relegated to Brooklyn section of Daily News

If you checked the blogosphere, the Daily News's Atlantic Yards scoop (at least among the dailies) today about the work stoppage at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Vanderbilt Yard was big news.

In print, however, the article appeared only in the newspaper's Brooklyn edition.

Part of a pattern

There's a pattern here. In March 2007, the newspaper relegated another scoop to the Brooklyn section: the explanation that the city would spend $100 million on land for the Atlantic Yards project as part of a $205 million contribution--far more than the originally contemplated $100 million in a 2/18/05 Memorandum of Understanding.

Similarly, in December 2006, the Daily News kept another important story of citywide interest--that the Empire State Development Corporation had slashed projected revenues--in the Brooklyn section.

Prominent stories sympathetic to FCR

But a slight and speculative story about vague and never-to-be-fulfilled Forest City Ratner promises for a new Brooklyn Tech High School made page 2.

And a story about the developers seemingly generous buyouts, headlined Bonanza, made the front page, but, no one followed up after I reported that city taxpayers actually supplied the cash.
