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In Times coverage of protests, Ratner's flack gets to blame opponents for delays; newspaper forgets description of Ratner as "renegotiat[ing] relentlessly for more favorable terms"

From today's New York Times, In Brooklyn, Arena’s Opening Is Met With Protests:
There’s a certain irony to the fact that many of the people who sued to stop the project are now saying we haven’t delivered the promises fast enough,” [Forest City Ratner spokesman Joe DePlasco] said. “We are 100 percent committed to the affordable housing, jobs and other benefits of Atlantic Yards and welcome those who were against them at the start to work with us to achieve them going forward.”
Well, there is, and there isn't. Yes, there's an irony that people who opposed the project are the ones who have to point out the unfulfilled promises; that should be the job of the signatories of the Community Benefits Agreement.

And yes, there's a question as to whether the challenges to the project kept some of the benefits from being delivered. But the larger irony, unmentioned, is that Forest City Ratner originally promised the project would be built in ten years, then renegotiated to 25 years.

In other words, the Times writer should have quoted the article he co-authored yesterday about Bruce Ratner, which cited "his reputation for promising anything to get a deal, only to renegotiate relentlessly for more favorable terms."
