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Battle for Brooklyn director's take on arena ribbon-cutting, with animated Markowitz in an interview

Battle for Brooklyn co-director Michael Galinsky visited the Barclays Center ribbon-cutting event today, as well as the pre-event protest, and weaved together scenes for a short video posted on The Local.

The video gives a flavor of the arena interior, shiny and new and getting high marks, as well as the animated, and almost-frothing Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz.

"It was the right thing to do for Brooklyn and New York," he declares. "I never ever, for one moment,  no matter what names I was called, no matter the disgusting, despicable emails and letters and personal, direct innuendos that I had to read over the years, no matter what, that was yesterday, this is today. Done! It's over. Here it is, it's open, it's gone." " He claps his hands. "You can look for all the controversy you want--I look for the beautiful things."
