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UniWatch's Lukas: opposes arena, likes idea of Brooklyn having a team; no fan of logo but approves herringbone floor

UniWatch's Paul Lukas takes questions from readers:
As a Brooklyn resident, what’s your opinion on the Nets’ move to Brooklyn and their chance of taking a nick out of the Knicks’ fan base?
Although I’m strongly opposed to the new arena, I’m into the idea of Brooklyn having its own team. Should be interesting to see how the Knicks/Nets dynamic evolves. There are definitely enough fans in the city to support two teams, and I think the rivalry (if one develops) will be good for both franchises.
I suspect there multiple sets of opinions: not merely like/hate arena and like/hate team, but like/hate arena design and like/hate arena placement. Some people like the design but don't like the placement.

Lukas wrote 5/1/12:
I’m about to mark my 25th anniversary of moving to Brooklyn (plus both my parents grew up in Brooklyn), so I care deeply about the borough and am generally in favor of having a major-level team here. Like I’ve always said, sports teams are civic enterprises as much as they’re business enterprises, so I dig the civic aspect of a team with “Brooklyn” on its chest.
But I’ve been very, very opposed to the new arena (about nine blocks from where I live) and its associated development project. It’s in a terrible location that will bring loads of traffic and congestion to a spot that’s already overburdened, it’s a financial boondoggle, it has forced people out of their homes, it’s not providing as many jobs as had been promised (happy May Day!), and on and on. It’s a fucking disaster, and I get sick to my stomach just thinking about it.
He called the new logo "really, really plain" but thinks the new herringbone floor--a departure for the NBA and an effort to brand the Barclays Center the way the Boston Celtics have a parquet floor--"looks pretty nice."
