Well, now they're doing the minimum.
Yesterday we got an agenda for the next, and second, virtual Quality of Life meeting, to be held 7/21/20 over Zoom, organized by Empire State Development (ESD), the state authority that oversees/shepherds the project.
Like agendas for previous, in-person meetings, it's vague and general, without documents or presentations attached, nor indication that any city or state agencies will be present beyond ESD.
There will be speakers on behalf of ESD, the advisory Atlantic Yards Community Development Corp. (whose main staffer is ESD's Atlantic Yards project manager), the Barclays Center, and master developer Greenland Forest City Partners.
At least its a notch better than the first virtual Quality of Life meeting, held 6/9/20, with no agenda or information about planned protocol. That really wasn't so early in the coronavirus pandemic.
(I'll suggest some questions for the meeting in another post.)
Send questions, but no improved procedures
From ESD:
(I'll suggest some questions for the meeting in another post.)
Send questions, but no improved procedures
From ESD:
The agenda for the Tuesday, July 21, 2020 Atlantic Yards Project Quality of Life Meeting is attached.
Please note that during the meeting, attendees will be able to submit questions and comments to presenters via the virtual platformās chat feature and via email to AtlanticYards@esd.ny.gov.
So participants will not be able to speak, and thus pursue follow-up questions, as I and others suggested.
It's unclear if we'll be able to see who else is present, but that seems unlikely.
Also, it seems unlikely that the questions will be made public in the chat, so we could see if they'd been answered.
So that contributes to less transparency.
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