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As Nets' "plight" and "crisis" highlights pandemic risks, NBA facing more questions about re-start

Well, the NBA teams gearing up for the July 31 season re-start in Orlando have begun to make their way there (one star in a haz-mat suit) and practice, and the Brooklyn Nets have been signing free agent replacements for those staying home, but doubts linger.

Adam Silver worries positive tests may pop NBA 'bubble', ESPN reported 7/7/20, quoting the NBA commissioner as wondering if the league's planned protocols in Orlando will work for the season re-start, scheduled for July 31:
Silver said any significant amount of positive cases inside the protected campus could result in a second shutdown of the NBA season. Several teams, including the Brooklyn Nets, Denver Nuggets, LA Clippers, Miami Heat, Milwaukee Bucks and Sacramento Kings, have closed their practice facilities in the past week due to positive coronavirus cases among their respective travel groups. 
..."But again, this virus has humbled many, so I am not going to express any higher level of confidence than we are following the protocols, and we hope it works as we designed it."
Should The Brooklyn Nets Withdraw From The NBA Restart?, Forbes contributor Shlomo Sprung wrote 7/7/20, citing the positive coronavirus test for Brooklyn Nets forward Taurean Prince, which makes him the seventh Nets player not playing in Orlando, including those already injured and deciding to opt out.

He writes:
I’m not here to put blame on anyone, but right now it seems that there’s a community spread within the Nets roster as they head to the Orlando bubble. Would it be safer for the other 21 teams involved if the entire team withdrew from the remainder of the 2019-2020 season? I’m by no stretch a medical expert by any stretch of the imagination, but a team leaving a season or tournament has precedent.
Not sure that there's a "community spread," but there's definitly some spread.

Player anxiety and a "crisis"

The New York Times's Marc Stein wrote 7/7/20, As N.B.A. Teams Arrive at Disney, Focus Turns to Keeping the Virus Out:
The Nets’ Garrett Temple, a vice president for the National Basketball Players Association, acknowledged in an interview Sunday that there’s considerable player anxiety about the challenges of living and playing on the Disney campus for at least six weeks, and potentially up to three months for the teams that reach the finals.
“I would imagine more than half of the league, of the players that are going, have had second thoughts,” Temple said Sunday, describing his own state as a “nervous anxiousness.”
In his NBA newsletter published 7/8/20, the Stein writes that the team's current situation overshadows that happy anniversary of signing stars Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving, both injured:
No matter how well next season may go for the Nets, “plight” — as I described it in a tweet last week on the one-year anniversary of the free-agent commitments that the Nets received from Durant and Irving — was charitable. This is a crisis now.
Just because Durant has missed this whole season while recovering from a torn right Achilles’ tendon, taking the Nets out of the championship mix until his second season in Brooklyn at the earliest, let’s not be so callous that we forget how dispiriting the present is.
Someone much closer to the situation than me — Nets Coach Jacque Vaughn — called the team’s roster issues and sudden size shortage a “stress test” in a conference call Saturday with reporters. Vaughn also described recent events as “trauma” for the Nets.
