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Yes, Nassau Coliseum operators get a tax break

Newsday yesterday published IDA approves tax breaks for Islanders' $10 million Coliseum upgrade plan:
The Nassau County Industrial Development Agency voted to approve tax breaks for the New York Islanders Wednesday night on a nearly $10 million planned renovation at NYCB Liveā€™s Nassau Coliseum.

...Completion of the $9.95 million interior upgrades would allow the Islanders to temporarily return to the Uniondale arena for three years while a new arena at Belmont Park is developed.
Newsday reports that the cost of the renovation, once $8.5 million, has risen. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has committed $6 million. So the arena operator, BSE Global, surely wants to save where they can; in this case, they get a $400,000 to $450,000 sales tax break regarding a locker room renovation, new  video-cable infrastructure, and upgraded ice rink equipment.

ā€œWe want to see the Islanders back, and if we can assist in a small way, why not,ā€ Richard Kessel, IDA chairman, said, according to Newsday.
