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From the Bridge: Is Real Estate Titan MaryAnne Gilmartin Starting a New Firm? (and what happens to Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park)

(Updated) From The Bridge Is Real Estate Titan MaryAnne Gilmartin Starting a New Firm?, subtitled The powerful Brooklyn executive appears to be taking key Forest City staffers with her. Will the team have a role in the Pacific Park mega-project?

The article is based in part on a web site developed for the firmā€™s launch, but not initially attached to a company web address. The link was made inoperative, shortly after my article went live. An archived link remained longer, but is no longer operative. The screenshot at right shows the placeholder site.

(The article has been updated to Real Estate Titan MaryAnne Gilmartin Starts a New Firm, subtitled The powerful Brooklyn executive is taking key staffers with her to play a role as Forest City sells most of its Pacific Park stake to Greenland USA.)

What about Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park?

See update here, concerning Forest City's sale and L&L MAG's contract, and more.

A few screenshots below:
