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From the latest Atlantic Yards Construction Alert: about 59 modules delivered for B2; slow progress likely due to weather

According to the latest two-week Atlantic Yards Construction Alert, released yesterday by Empire State Development after preparation by developer Forest City Ratner, there were 14 additional modules delivered to the site of the B2 tower in two weeks.

That number, far less than the eight-a-day maximum over ten working days, brings the total delivered to 59. (The previous alert indicated 45.) To reach the 930 needed to finish the building, they'll have to ramp up, and better weather surely will make that more possible.

Also backfilling at the site, suspended two weeks ago, is expected to recommence.

On the railyard, 95 of 106 piles have been drilled along Pacific Street, part of the process toward a permanent Vanderbilt Yard

B-2 Tower, Modular Residential
  • Backfilling is projected to recommence during this reporting period, weather permitting 
  • Rough in for the MEP trades in the basement and ground floor will continue during this reporting period. 
  • Block work in the cellar will continue during this reporting period, weather permitting. 
  • Brace frame erection will continue during this reporting period. 
  • Approximately 59 modules have been delivered and installed to date. 
  • Prep work related to erection of the hoist at the southwest corner of Dean Street and Flatbush Avenue will continue during this reporting period. 
  • Installation of temporary power and lights will be maintained throughout the project. This is an on-going activity. 
  • Daily cleanup activities of sidewalks and streets are ongoing as required. 

LIRR Yard Activities Block 1120 & 1121
  • Stage 2C work has commenced and will consist of Support of Excavation (SOE) work along Pacific Street between Carlton Ave and Vanderbilt Ave. SOE installation will include drilling of 106 24ā€ diameter soldier piles, installation of lagging, installation of tiebacks, excavation/disposal of soil and demolition and removal of the existing concrete retaining wall. Work is anticipated to be completed in June 2014. 
  • Contractor will continue drilling the 24ā€ diameter soldier piles along Pacific Street from the inside of the LIRR yard during this reporting period. The drilling equipment will be located within the rail yard. Sound ā€“ dampening blankets have been installed along the length of fence on Pacific Street, between Carlton and Vanderbilt Avenues. 
  • 95 piles have been installed to date. 
  • Contractor will continue installation of lagging, excavation of soil and demolition of the lower portion of the concrete retaining wall along Pacific Street during this reporting period. 
  • Subject to receipt of necessary equipment and personnel, contractor will begin installation of tiebacks during this reporting period. 
  • Contractor will relocate the existing LIRR Stair Tower from the south side of Block 1121 (near Vanderbilt Avenue), north to the active LIRR yard during this reporting period. The tower will be accessible from Vanderbilt Avenue.
Atlantic Yards Construction Alert March 17, 2014
