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Post: Ratner "quietly" helping blinded Sudanese ex-slave

The New York Post reports today, in Rescue mission: Ratner’s fight to help tragic Sudan teen:
I’s not just basketball and skyscrapers with Bruce Ratner.

The uber-developer -- best known for his under-construction Brooklyn arena for the Nets -- is vigorously trying to cut through bureaucratic red tape to keep a teenage Sudanese ex-slave in the United States to help restore the boy’s eyesight.

Ratner and his sister, Fox News analyst Ellen Ratner, first met tortured, blinded Ker Deng, now 18, on a trip to Sudan in April, nearly a year after the rights group Christian Solidarity International rescued him from slavery. The Ratners were touched by Deng’s horrifying story.
Well, Ratner's goal is certainly worthy, but it's hard to avoid thinking that the publicity effort is a tad strategic: after all, if "Ratner has quietly covered all of Deng’s expenses," he wasn't so quiet as to keep that information from the Post.

Ratner's been a little quieter about a lot of other things, such as the Independent Compliance Monitor required by the Atlantic Yards Community Benefits Agreement. And the latter surely would cost Ratner's firm far more than the support he's offered to one worthy, needy Sudanese.
