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From the latest Construction Alert: signs that excavation has been delayed (flooding?), bus stop on Flatbush removed for utility work (updated, with clarification)

Yesterday, one day late, Empire State Development (aka Empire State Development Corporation) issued the two-week Construction Alert (bottom) dated 8/29/11 prepared by developer Forest City Ratner. I've highlighted below changes compared to the alert issued two weeks earlier, dated 8/15/11.

The changes seem relatively small, though, interestingly enough, one paragraph in the 8/15/11 alert was missing:
Excavation for storm/sanitation/water services near the intersections of Dean & Flatbush as well as 6th & Pacific will continue during this reporting period and the next. These excavations (trenches) will be in excess of 25 feet below street level and will require tie-in to existing piping within both Dean Street and/or 6th Avenue. Permits are being submitted to borough agencies to allow the tie-ins and a maintenance and protection of traffic (MPT)/pedestrians plans(s) is being prepared; installation will not occur until permits have been granted. A second and/or third shift is being considered to execute this work. Permits for a second or third shift to perform this work will be submitted prior to beginning the work.
(Emphasis added)

I asked ESD yesterday if that excavation was completed, or delayed, perhaps because of the rain associated with Hurricane Irene.

Update 3:20 pm: Despite language in the previous alert indicating that excavation would continue this period, ESD tells me that this work was in fact indicated in the latest alert below, not under the category Excavation but under the rubric Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing:

The piping for the storm/sanitary/and water services to the arena at 6th & Pacific as well as Dean & Flatbush is expected to continue through this and the next reporting period. The tie-ins for this piping will require work in the street, which has not yet commenced. A second and/or third shift is being considered to execute this work.

I'm not sure this is exactly the same work as indicated two weeks ago, given the absence of any reference to excavation. ESD spokeswoman Elizabeth Mitchell adds, "The excavation has not been completed,  it will continue during this reporting period."

Below I've bolded text from the new alert that differs from the previous one.

Waterproofing & Fireproofing
Waterproofing and backfilling along the outside of the arena Atlantic Avenue foundation wall is complete. Backfill on the 6th Avenue elevation from 6th Avenue and Atlantic will continue during this reporting period. Backfill outside the Arena footprint on the Flatbush Avenue elevation will continue through this reporting period.

The piping for the storm/sanitary/and water services to the arena at 6th & Pacific as well as Dean & Flatbush is expected to continue during this and the next reporting period. The tie-ins for this piping will require work in the street, which has not yet commenced. A second and/or third shift is being considered to execute this work.

Track Outages (General Orders)
IRT and BMT Tunnel inspections have taken place and repair work will be implemented during scheduled NYCT track outages during evenings and weekends. An IRT evening GO, which will be performed under flagging, is scheduled for September 6, 7, and 8th in the evenings to perform steel repair work at the northern vents. The next BMT GO’s will take place during the weekends of September 24th, October 15th and November 26th. Minor repair and cleanup work will occur on selective evenings under scheduled NYCT flagging protection.

Carlton Ave Bridge
New MPT has been put in place for the south abutment soil excavation from Pacific Street, and excavation has begun. This work will continue during this reporting period, and will be followed by forming and pouring the foundation for the South Abutment.

Posillico/Tully will install a test pile and perform a load test for the north abutment during this reporting period. Once this test pile is installed and passes the load test, Posillico/Tully will start the installation of the mini-piles required to be installed to support the new north abutment.
EJ Electric will be on site to relocate the existing 2” feeder for the site lighting located in the south yard area. This work is being done to free up the area adjacent to the East portal for excavation work.

Replacement of Adjacent Water Mains and Utility Work

Stage one began in early August. The first work will include the installation of a distribution water main along the sidewalk of Flatbush, north of Atlantic. The work will be done at night (10 pm to 6 am) and will require partial closure of the sidewalk and the curb lane of traffic during the work hours. The work will take two to three months in this location and then will move on southward and cross Flatbush. The bus stop at the west side of Flatbush, north of Pacific, will be removed by NYC DOT, per the approval of NYCTA. Work this period will include the excavation of trenches for the water main. Trenches will be plated over every morning and sidewalks and travel lanes will be re-opened. The water main installation may begin at the end of the upcoming two week period or immediately after.

Over the next several weeks the Contractor will be installing three taps into the waters and sewer mains on Flatbush Avenue and Dean Streets. Work will take approximately 1 to 1½ weeks each. Work will take place either behind MPT or at night (10 pm to 6 am) depending on the location of the main. The excavation work at Dean Street requires the temporary removal of approximately 40’ to 60’ of the 16 foot fence on Dean Street. A temporary 8’ tall barrier consisting of plywood on Jersey barrier will be installed to replace the 16’ fence and to serve as the construction fence during the work. The contractor will move the barrier out of the way when trenching occurs in the immediate area and will plate over and replace the barrier on a daily basis.
(The latter change on Dean Street was announced in a n 8/22/11 Supplemental Alert. Note that it's unclear whether the bus stop will be restored, but if the work is finished within three months, why not.)

Block 1129 Construction Staging
Occupancy/Use of the lay down area due south of the 752 Pacific Street office will continue during this period. Excavation materials from the Dean Street ramp are being temporarily stored in this lot and are expected to remain for the duration of this reporting period. The only remaining material within the area is concrete debris, to be disposed of during this reporting period.

Demolition of 603 Dean has been completed and debris is being sorted for recycling; the demolition fence that took up part of the Dean Street site has been pulled back. Work has been completed at 754 Pacific, a one-story addition on the east side of 752 Pacific. The remainder of this structure will be removed with the lower floors of 768 Pacific. 768 Pacific is under hand demolition. Mechanical demolition will commence once the top levels and front section have been removed to an extent that will permit machines to remove the remainder. The extent of the hand and mechanical demolition has been approved by the DOB and BEST.
Traffic Mitigation Site Work
The northbound lanes of 4th Avenue were closed at Atlantic Avenue on July 31, 2011 with temporary MPT (see details below). During the next two-week period curb extensions, lights, signals, signs and pavement striping will be installed to achieve the closure of the northbound traffic on 4th Avenue, north of Atlantic Avenue. This phase of the work is expected to take approximately 4 to 6 weeks. The MPT will be modified several times during the course of the work to maintain safe pedestrian passage across the intersection. The details of the MPT have been reviewed by the DOT. The work was put on hold for two weeks while the engineer and DEP developed a modification to the water valve and hydrant. That design has been approved and work will resume during this reporting period.

At the Pacific and Flatbush curb extension, concrete paving was installed as far as possible outside the sidewalk bridge in front of 604 Pacific Street. The final sidewalk paving under the sidewalk bridge cannot be completed until the private owner makes repairs to his building and remove the protection. This phase of work is expected to be completed by the end of August.

At the Pacific Street & 4th Avenue intersection, test pits revealed numerous private utility interferences including Con Ed and NYCTA cable. The engineer recommended a modification to the curb profile. DEP has approved the modification. It is currently being reviewed by DOT; work will resume once DOT approval is received.

Fourth Avenue Lane Closures
Project traffic consultants and the NYCDOT have been closely monitoring traffic flows and making improvements to signal timings when necessary.

Transit Work

Work related to of the BMT structure and below grade concrete, steel and MEP work may be conducted on Saturdays, September 3rd and September 10th, during this reporting period. This will be in conjunction with the IRT Flagging GO scheduled for September 6, 7, 8 and 9th steel repair work at the northern vents. All such work will take place within the site and subway tunnel.

Atlantic Yards Construction Alert 8-29-2011
