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Atlantic Yards Un-Watch: new residents of Atlantic Terrace declare construction noise "minimal" (what about other side of arena block?)

From an article to be published in the August 7 New York Times Real Estate section about Atlantic Terrace, catercorner to the northeast of the Atlantic Yards arena block, headlined In Brooklyn, Blurring the Wealth Boundary:
Mike Leslie, a transplant from San Francisco who bought the original model penthouse unit with his partner, Michael Richardson, said the fact that there were low-income owners in Atlantic Terrace had not given them pause. The looming issue for the couple was the construction of the arena for the New Jersey Nets going on across the avenue at the Atlantic Yards site, but after determining that construction noise was minimal, they were won over by the 463-square-foot terrace with their penthouse, Mr. Richardson said. 
Well, there sure might be construction noise if and when Forest City Ratner starts building directly across the street, as is the plan.

Residents of this new building apparently are fortunate, since residents of Pacific and Dean streets bear the brunt of construction staging and noise, as noted on Atlantic Yards Watch.

Unmentioned in the article is that Atlantic Terrace developers gave up a plan for solar panels when they learned how large the nearby Atlantic Yards towers would be.

Also, the team won't be the New Jersey Nets when they get here.
