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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park FAQ, timeline, and infographics (pinned post)

From the latest Construction Alert: more late shifts, plus a plan to begin deliveries at 6 am through the entire arena construction period

According to the latest two-week Atlantic Yards Construction Update (below, dated August 1) and prepared by developer Forest City Ratner and issued by the Empire State Development, there exists significant potential for second- and third-shift work at around the project site.

Also, the main contractor, Hunt Construction, has requested a permit to allow for deliveries to the arena site beginning at 6 am, rather than at 7 am, though arena completion in fall 2012. The rationale?
This work allows for an additional hour of deliveries to take place outside the neighborhood peak traffic patterns and reduce congestion and interference with the local traffic. The permit response is expected to be received this period. If granted, the intention is to continue to permit deliveries during this timeframe through to completion of the Arena.
There's certainly a logic, from the construction standpoint, since it would speed work. However, given that trucks can be noisy, and have idled in the neighborhood before official delivery hours, such a change could lead to significant disruption in the lives of neighbors.

That plan was not disclosed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement. Chapter 17, Construction Impacts, stated:
In accordance with city laws and regulations, construction work would generally begin at 7 AM on weekdays, with some workers arriving to prepare work areas between 6 AM and 7 AM. Normally, work would end at 3:30 PM. It is anticipated that the workday would be extended for specific trades to complete some specific tasks beyond normal work hours.
A delay

A material hoist, which according to the 7/18/11 Construction Update was supposed to be installed last month or this has been delayed:
Preparation for the erection/installation of a material hoist at the intersection of 6th Avenue and Pacific Street has been revised and is now projected to commence sometime in September.
Late work on the streets

Either in the next two weeks, or shortly after, work on the streets could run late:
Excavation for storm/sanitation/water services near the intersections of Dean & Flatbush as well as 6th & Pacific will commence during this reporting period or the next. These excavations (trenches) will be in excess of 25 feet below street level and will require tie-in to existing piping within both Dean Street and /or 6th Avenue. Permits are being submitted to borough agencies to allow the tie-ins and a maintenance and protection of traffic/pedestrians plans(s) is being prepared; installation will not occur until permits have been granted. A second and/or third shift is being considered to execute this work.

The piping for the storm/sanitary/and water services to the arena at 6th & Pacific as well as Dean & Flatbush is expected to start during this or the next reporting period. The tie-ins for this piping will require work in the street. A second and/or third shift is being considered to execute this work.
Work on the sidewalks

The update refers to sidewalk work connected with traffic changes:
The first element of the 2011 work includes the installation of curb extensions at the Pacific/4th Avenue Dean/Flatbush and Pacific/Flatbush intersections and the reversal of traffic from westbound to eastbound on Pacific between 4th and Flatbush Avenues. Permits for this work have been secured and work has commenced. During the next two week period curb extensions, lights, signals, signs and pavement striping will be installed to achieve the closure of the northbound traffic on 4th Avenue, north of Atlantic Avenue. This phase of the work is expected to take approximately 4 to 6 weeks.

In addition, completion of the curb extension at Pacific and Flatbush, which started last period, will continue as far as possible outside the sidewalk bridge in front of a private ownerā€™s commercials building at 604 Pacific Street. The final sidewalk paving under the sidewalk bridge cannot be completed until the private owner makes repairs to his building and remove the protection. This phase of work is expected to be completed by the end of August.
Night and weekend work

The document reveals anticipated night and weekend work:
During this reporting period the following work will be performed either at night or during the weekend as noted. All work will be done pursuant to approved permits:Long Island Rail Road/Vanderbilt Yard/ Carlton Avenue Bridge:
o As of May 2nd, yard construction hours are 6am ā€“ 4:30pm.
o In addition, as of Saturday May 7, 2011, construction work will take place on Saturdays during the hours of 7am ā€“ 5:30pm for a period of at least three months.
Arena Site:
o Arena weekend work will be scheduled no later than close of business on the preceding Thursday, where make-up work due to weather or other delays makes it necessary. Saturday work is expected to continue for this reporting period.
o Subject to receipt of permits, a second shift may be continued throughout this reporting period, from 3 ā€“ 11 PM, Monday-Friday only. Also subject to receipt of permits, a third shift may be instituted during this reporting period, from 11 PM ā€“ 7 AM, Monday ā€“Friday only.
NYC Transit Improvements:
o Temporary concrete road decking is substantially complete, however, in the event there is a need to do any related work, such work will be performed at night per DOT regulations. Traffic will be restored every morning according to DOT stipulations.
o Work related to demolition of BMT structure and below grade concrete, steel and MEP work may be conducted on Saturdays, August 6th and August 13th, during this reporting period. All such work will take place within the site.
Block 1129 ā€“ staging arena:o Contractors conducting night work may have cause to enter and exit this area as it serves as a staging and material/equipment storage area.
Off Site Mitigation work:
o Work taking place at Pacific/Flatbush and4th/Pacific will be done during the overnight pursuant to DOT permits. Work will be concluded by 6 AM so that related MPT is removed for the morning rush hour.
During the course of work, conditions may be encountered at the site which may warrant the need for night and/or weekend work. Work will be done pursuant to approved permits.
Atlantic Yards Construction Alert 8-1-2011
