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From the latest Atlantic Yards Construction Alert: work on raised Atlantic Avenue medians to begin in April, but unclear whether it will be by day or at night

Below are some excerpts from the latest two-week Atlantic Yards Construction Alert, dated 3/12/12 and released yesterday by Empire State Development after preparation by Forest City Ratner.

One highlight: work is expected to begin in April on the remaining traffic mitigation work, mostly the creation of raised medians along Atlantic Avenue from Flatbush Avenue to Vanderbilt Avenue. But it's unclear whether the work will be performed during what the alert calls "limited daytime, which will prolong the construction period, or at night between 10 pm and 6 am."

The decision will be made by the Department of Transportation's Office of Construction Mitigation and Coordination (OCMC).

Also, "construction of a tall retaining wall along the Vanderbilt Ave. end of the yard," between Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Street, should begin soon. The southbound traffic lane and adjoining sidewalk will be taken out of service--for how long it's not quite clear--when concrete trucks are present to pum concrete into the wall below.

"Orwellian, almost"?

The regular heading "Construction at the Arena Site Progresses as Scheduled" is "Orwellian, almost",
since it contains this sentence:
ā€¢ Revisions to the perimeter construction fence are projected to begin this reporting period, in order to allow the site construction activity to ramp up.
Why Orwellian? Because the same sentence appeared in the previous Construction Alert, which suggests that construction is not progressing "as scheduled"--or that someone forgot to update the paperwork.

Also omitted in this report, but within the last report. was this:
The steel erector is expected to begin on the main entry canopy steel erection on or about March 26, 2012. Fabrication of this material has started.
So it may be delayed. Below, I've bolded the notable changes from the previous alert.

Steel Erection and Stadia Installation
ā€¢ Primary (truss) roof steel erection has been completed. Secondary roof framing will continue during this reporting period. Preparation to erect the main entry canopy steel is expected to begin this reporting period.
FaƧade Installation
The faƧade subcontractor will continue to work a second shift as needed throughout this reporting period. Work may be performed on the 6th Avenue, Flatbush Avenue and Atlantic Avenue elevations on second shift.
Waterproofing & Fireproofing
Phase 1 of the permanent roofing will continue throughout this reporting period as weather allows. The lower roofs temporary protection is substantially complete and the west elevation high roof installation (Denglass Board, Insulating Board, Vapor Barrier and Rubber Membrane) will continue. The roofer should begin the east half of the arena high roof this reporting period.
Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing
The transformers have been placed in the ConEd vault. The first of the transformers has power to the line, or service side, and permanent power should be available to all transformers on or about March 19th.

The piping for the storm/sanitary/water services from the street mains to the arena at 6th and Pacific has been completed and the testing/inspection results submitted to DEP.

The construction fence at the ConEd vault was revised in an earlier period to allow ConEd and the Arena contractors to continue to conduct work related to the installation of transformers that will service the arena. ConEd continues to execute work at this location.
Interior Build-out
The delivery of the primary kitchen and concessions equipment is expected to start during this reporting period.
Subway Transit Canopy
The steel and concrete roof for the canopy is now complete along with the spray fireproofing. The contour slab has been completed. Work continues on the roofing.
Carlton Avenue Bridge
Carlton Avenue and Pacific Street MPT DOT permit is in place and the suspension of parking on the north side of Pacific Street running approximately 100 linear feet from the existing cross walk in a westerly direction is now in effect. This was done to accommodate the construction of the Carlton Ave. bridge abutment and the associated work on the approach slab and utility connections. As was done previously by direction of the NYCDOT, fliers were distributed and posted 48 hours in advance of the no parking rules going into effect.
ā€¢ Concrete has been placed at the Pier #2 footing, base and center portion of the stem wall. Concrete placement for the balance of the stem wall will continue this reporting period.
East End (former Gasoline Station)
Construction of a tall retaining wall along the Vanderbilt Ave. end of the yard is set to begin once permits have been secured. Work will require that e west southbound traffic lane and adjoining sidewalk be taken out of service when concrete trucks are present from which will be pumped concrete into the wall below.
Track Work
Tracks Unlimited has started to deliver ballast material to the west end of the site (B1120) in preparation of the start of track installation in the yard. This work item will continue through the next 3 month period.
Replacement of Adjacent Water Mains and other Utility Work
Stormwater discharge at Flatbush Avenue is complete and approved. Work on the discharge at 6th and Pacific Streets was completed, approved and paved in the last 2-week period. The retention tank and pumping systems connected to the discharge will be inspected and tested during the upcoming two-week period.
Traffic Mitigation Site Work/Atlantic Avenue Medians
Work is expected to begin in April 2012 on the remaining traffic mitigation work, most of which is made up of raised medians along Atlantic Avenue from Flatbush Avenue to Vanderbilt Avenue. OCMC is reviewing the scope and location of the medians and will determine whether the work shall be performed during limited daytime, which will prolong the construction period, or at night between 10 pm and 6 am. If the work is done at night, mobile light units will be used to illuminate the work area. The arena block, Carlton Avenue Bridge reconstruction and DDC utility work between Carlton and Vanderbilt Avenues also take lanes out of service. Therefore, the median work must be scheduled block by block to coordinate with the other work schedules and MPT configurations. Because the work is a few feet directly above the LIRR tunnel into Atlantic Terminal, the means and methods must be reviewed and approved by the LIRR.
Arena Site Work
Installation of the underground drainage within the plaza area located at the tip of the site and the plaza located at the corner of Dean Street and 6th Avenue is substantially complete. The balance of the drainage will be completed as the work at the tip of Atlantic and Flatbush is completed in the Spring and Summer. A temporary asphalt working surface has been placed throughout the plaza. MPT along Dean Street and 6th Avenue will be repositioned in accordance with the approved DOT MPT Plan.
AY Construction Alert 3-12-2012
