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The latest Atlantic Yards Construction Alert: efforts redoubled at rodent control; cover on dirt pile finally noted

Below are some excerpts from the latest two-week Atlantic Yards Construction Alert, dated 2/27/12 and released yesterday by Empire State Development after preparation by Forest City Ratner.

I've bolded the notable changes from the previous alert. Note the increased efforts at rodent control, a huge issue for the surrounding community, and belated efforts to cover a dirt pile, which was cited by Atlantic Yards Watch.

The same additional language in the section immediately below about rodent control was added to the sections regarding work on the new transit entrance and the rail yard.

From the alert

Rodent Control Measures Taken
ā€¢ Hunt and FCRC continue to review and implement actions to supplement the site and adjacent neighborhoodā€™s rodent protection activities. Hunt has more than 225 rodent bait stations within the arena work site and Block 1129 that are being monitored and maintained on a weekly basis. Across the site, additional measures are being instituted to redouble efforts related to food garbage control, including the provision of additional garbage containers. In addition, baiting stations have been or will be inspected to confirm operation and repaired or relocated as needed.

Backfill Storage
ā€¢ In order to work more efficiently within the Yard, excess soil required for backfilling the site has been stockpiled in the lay down area adjacent to Pacific St \on block 1129. The pile has been completely covered with a tarp and additional measures , including the use of wood fiber blocks around the perimeter and gravel at the entrance rwill be used to prevent run off of soil into Pacific St. The stockpiled soil, which is non-hazardous, is expected to remain in place until mid-April.

Revisions to the perimeter construction fence are projected to begin this reporting period, in order to allow the site construction activity to ramp up.

The de-shoring of the primary roof trusses will be done during this reporting period. The de-shoring program has been reviewed with engineer of record and with DOB. The shoring towers should be transported from the site during this reporting period. Shoring towers will be required when the main entry canopy steel erection begins on or about March 26, 2012.

ā€¢ The steel erector is expected to begin on the main entry canopy steel erection on or about March 26, 2012. [previously mid-March] Fabrication of this material has started.

FaƧade Installation
ā€¢ The faƧade erector will complete the installation of erection clips and panels on the Flatbush Avenue elevation and along the west elevations lower and middle panels during this reporting period. The installation of curtain wall and curtain wall/lattice panels will resume on the Flatbush Avenue elevation following the canopy steel erection. In the interest of public safety, and as approved by the New York City Building Department, pedestrians using the east side sidewalk of Flatbush Avenue next to the arena may be temporarily diverted to across the street by Hunt flagmen during high level work. The faƧade erector will continue with installation of erection clips along the 6th Avenue elevation this reporting period, and turn the corner west on to the Atlantic Avenue, installing the high panels. Installation of the erection clips will continue on the Dean Street elevation during this reporting period.

ā€¢ The boiler #2 has been fired and is providing temporary heat via permanent systems to the Event Level and Main Concourse.
ā€¢ Temporary electric power is being provided at Event Level and Main Concourse as well, to provide temperate conditiond [sic] for applied finishes work to begin.

ā€¢ The primary switchgear installation for the Network Protector Room and the ConEd vault wiring installation will continue this reporting period.
The transformers have been placed in the ConEd vault.

The piping for the storm/sanitary/water services from the street mains to the arena at 6th and Pacific has commenced. The underground work in the street bed is expected to be completed by the end of February. Permanent pavement restoration will follow.

The preparation for placement of the terrazzo flooring (shot blasting/scouring of the slab on metal deck) at the Upper Concourse will start this reporting period.

Transit Canopy
ā€¢ The steel and concrete roof for the canopy is now complete along with the spray fireproofing. The contour slab is nearing completion and will then be followed by the roofing.
Tile work is underway. The steel stair nosings and stair tile work at the main entrance stair will follow the completion of the MEP work, painting and canopy ceiling installation. MEP work will progress over the next 2 months and will be followed by the canopy ceiling

Water Main replacement

ā€¢ Stormwater discharge at Flatbush Avenue is complete and approved. . Work on the discharge at 6th and Pacific Streets is in progress and will be completed by the end of February. The work includes a trench and associated sheeting or lagging approximately 17 to 20 feet deep to reach the bottom of the existing sewer main which the storm system will connect to. The work area is plated and traffic flow is restored every morning before 6 A.M.

Atlantic Yards Construction Alert Feb. 27, 2012
