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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park FAQ, timeline, and infographics (pinned post)

Signs of the times: Franklin Avenue, House of D, Southpaw transition

So, while some were waiting around for Atlantic Yards, Brooklyn continued to change:
  • Franklin Avenue in Crown Heights becomes "the next subway stop on Brooklynā€™s gentrification express"
  • While the Brooklyn House of Detention was being renovated, six high-rise apartment buildings were built nearby, and a boutique hotel is across the street
  • After eleven years, Park Slope music club Southpaw will close and the space, like others on Fifth Avenue, will become a business serving kids
Bonus: Southpaw co-owner Mikey Palms told the Brooklyn Paper how he got the Fifth Avenue building:
ā€œA crackhead and a prostitute were living above the venue and the owner told me, ā€˜If you can get ā€™em out, you can have the space,ā€™ā€ he said.
