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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park FAQ, timeline, and infographics (pinned post)

Is Jay-Z just insulated from the Atlantic Yards reality? Or does he understand the hustle, but sometimes feels uncomfortable?

In response to my article on Jay-Z yesterday, one reader suggested that maybe the "cultural icon" just doesn't know the facts behind Atlantic Yards. After all, he tends to arrive and leave via Maybach, and is coddled and cheered along the way.

Maybe. But maybe he does understand the Atlantic Yards hustle, And while he certainly knows how to enthuse about the team and arena, maybe he's a bit uncomfortable with some of his partners.

Take a look at couple of the official promotional shots from the September 26 media event, from the Nets web site. These are official photos, not like the unposed candid shot that Tracy Collins captured.

Doesn't Jay-Z look a little.... out of sorts when forced to hang out with Atlantic Yards developer Bruce Ratner and Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz? (Maybe Jay remembers Markowitz's tasteless mugging at the arena groundbreaking ceremony last year.)

Below, Jay-Z (r.), with Ratner (l.) and Markowitz.

Below, Nets CEO Brett Yormark joins the group.
