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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park FAQ, timeline, and infographics (pinned post)

That arena entrance on Sixth Avenue? It would become a main entrance for a stretch if Building 1 gets constructed

Only in December 2010 did we see images of an arena entrance on Sixth Avenue, not present in any of the previous renderings, or in the Design Guidelines, which state that principal entrances " shall be located through the Urban Room and on Atlantic Avenue and Dean Street."

But the Urban Room, west of the arena, would be replaced by a plaza, and that plaza would be closed during the time of construction if and when the flagship tower, B1, is built. That would finally produce the Urban Room.

(Click to enlarge the image below, which portrays the arena from the southeast, with cars at left going west on Dean Street and at right coming south on Sixth Avenue.)

A new main entrance

Information on the new main entrance was in the 12/21/09 Amended Memorandum of Environmental Commitments, posted by the Empire State Development Corporation and laying out Forest City Ratner's obligations:
In the event development of Building 1 is delayed so that it will be constructed after the arena commences operation, FCRC shall, for the period of construction of Building 1: (i) relocate the main arena entrances to the north and east side of the arena; (ii) provide directional signage at various point on the arena block, indicating routes to the arenaā€™s entrances and amenities; and (iii) erect pedestrian construction sheds protecting, among other areas, the subway entrance and pedestrian walkways and sidewalks on the arena block.
