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Meeting marks a step toward a broad-based Brooklyn civic organization, with AY activists playing a role

In my New York Times Complaint Box essay last month, Powerless in Brooklyn, I wrote, "We lack meaningful local government, as well as broad-based media and civic organizations."

In a comment, Raul Rothblatt of the Four Borough Preservation Alliance (and an Atlantic Yards activist), wrote, "We are currently working on facilitating cooperation between groups in Brooklyn..."

Indeed, a meeting was upcoming, as I had been told. (I learned of it after I'd written my essay and had it approved.)

First meeting

Now the Courier-Life reports on the first meeting, in New group would 'take back borough' Brooklyn-wide civic group sought:
Leaders of civic organizations form across Brooklyn say they want to take back the borough from bureaucrats and bad developers ā€” and theyā€™re going to start a new group to do it.

ā€œNobody is going to give us power. We are going to have to give it to ourselves,ā€ said Raul Rothblatt, the executive director of the Four Borough Preservation Alliance, which organized a meeting at which civic groups from Williamsburg to Sheepshead Bay and Bay Ridge to Canarsie were represented.

Worried that the voice of Brooklyn residents canā€™t be heard in a city where they are treated like second-class citizens to those in Manhattan, organizers say the new group, which has not been named yet, can be a bullhorn for the borough. A Brooklyn Bullhorn, if you will.

ā€œWe share information, then we start screaming,ā€ said Jim Vogel, of the Council of Brooklyn Neighborhoods, a similar group representing 40 organizations formed in response to the controversial Atlantic Yards project in Fort Greene.

Philip dePaolo, the president of the New York Community Council, agreed.

ā€œWe need to take the bull by the horns here in Brooklyn, because weā€™re voiceless here,ā€ he said.
Can it work? The agendas of civic groups vary--it's not all land use--but, at the very least, talking might lead to a platform of priorities.
