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Flashback, 2006: interim surface parking could last "for some time," predicted Brooklyn Views blogger Cohn

Architect Jonathan Cohn hasn't been writing his Brooklyn Views blog since March 2007, but he was right on the money when he wrote, on 4/3/06, about the emergence of interim surface parking and the elasticity of "interim."

He wrote:
One change in the Final Scope is the admission that an unspecified amount of ā€œinterim surface parkingā€ on the eastern part of the project site will be constructed during Phase I. (P.14). This ā€œuseā€ of the site could be in-place for some time. While the Phase I analysis year is 2010 and Phase II is 2016, schedules for large projects are notorious for being accurate only at the moment they are proposed.
Maybe not even then. Now we know that the interim surface parking could last for decades.
