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On Liu's task force, supporters and opponents of the Atlantic Yards Community Benefits Agreement

When I wrote Friday about Comptroller John Liu's Task Force on Public Benefit Agreements, I somehow missed the list of members (as noted in the Observer).

The Observer's Eliot Brown writes:
While the chairs on the task force represent an array of interests, the membership of the broader commission has a lefty bent, with representation from all the major unions on development issues (the Hotel and Motel Trades, SEIU 32BJ, the Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union, and the Building Trades); affordable housing groups such as the Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development; and small business advocates such as lobbyist Richard Lipsky.
Lefty bent? Maybe.

Through an AY lens

I'll point out that the task force contains three advocates for the Atlantic Yards Community Benefits Agreement (CBA): Scott Cantone of Forest City Ratner; Richard Lipsky of the Neighborhood Retail Alliance (and an FCR lobbyist); and Roger Green, the former Assemblyman and head of the DuBois-Bunche Urban Policy Center.

It also contains two clear critics of the agreement: urban planning professor Tom Angotti of Hunter College and Bettina Damiani of Good Jobs New York.

Beyond that, there are several others likely to be supporters of the AY CBA, such as Kevin Doyle of Local 32BJ. There are also several likely to be critics, such as Julia Vitullo-Martin, late of the Manhattan Institute and now of the Regional Plan Association.

Could that mean, when it comes to any evaluation of the AY CBA, gridlock?

The task force

Co-chair John (Jack) T Ahern Central Labor Council
Co-chair Priscilla Almodovar JPMorgan Chase

Tom Angotti Hunter College

Stuart Appelbaum RWDSU / State AFL-CIO

Eric Bluestone The Bluestone Organization

Carlton Brown Full Spectrum Building and Development

Scott Cantone Forest City Ratner Companies

Lou Coletti Building Trades Employers Assoc

Bettina Damiani Good Jobs New York

Kevin Doyle 32BJ

Benjamin Dulchin Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development (ANHD)

Adam Friedman Pratt Center for Community Development
Co-chair Barry Gosin Newmark

Roger Green DuBois-Bunche Urban Policy Center

Leslie Himmell REBNY

Valery Jean Families United for Racial and Economic Equality (FUREE)

Gary LaBarbera Building & Construction Trades Council

Mark Levine Herrick Feinstein

Richard Lipsky Neighborhood Retail Alliance

Nick Lugo NYC Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Edwin Lynch United Food and Commercial Workers International Union

Timothy Marshall Jamaica Business Resource Center

George Miranda Teamsters district council 16
Co-chair Joyce Moy CUNY AAARI

Pat Purcell UFCW 1500

David Reiss Brooklyn Law School

Cy Richardson Housing &Community Development, Ntnl. Urban League

Matt Ryan Jobs with Justice

Denise Scott Local Initiatives Support Corp

Joseph J. Sitt Thor Equities

Paul Sonn NELP

Julia Vitullo-Martin Regional Plan Association (RPA)

Peter Ward Hotel Trades

Raymond Yu Yuco Management
