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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park FAQ, timeline, and infographics (pinned post)

From the latest Construction Update: large boom lift being used inside Barclays Center, then moved periodically across the street; tree guards for three trees on Dean Street

For the second straight time, the two-week Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Construction Update has been released on the Friday before the official Monday date, in this case June 8.

On the one hand, that is welcome--frankly, it should have been the pattern all along, as opposed to distribution on the day it was dated, or a day or two after.

On the other hand, even the early delivery is being used to obscure changes that should have been disclosed earlier. For example, the document distributed yesterday, June 5, contains this passage:
Miscellaneous Work
*During this period it is expected that from June 4 until June 16, work will be done inside the arena which requires use of a 150ft boom lift; this equipment will be removed from the arena when the arena is in use and will be stored as needed in broadcast lot. The work hours will be 4PM-7AM.
As I tweeted yesterday, that left a lot out:
And what, pray tell, is this "miscellaneous work"? Interior roof work?
How complicated and complicating will it be to move it to the broadcast lot *across the street*?
And if this started yesterday, why wasn't this disclosed in the *previous* construction update?
Also, as I wrote yesterday, the state and developer Greenland Forest City Partners belatedly disclosed that Sixth Avenue between Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Street would be closed for an extended period of time.

Some trees protected

The severe narrowing of Dean Street and Carlton Avenue bordering the southeast block of the site has led to damage to several trees, and officials are finally taking steps to improve the situation. The latest alert discloses:
Three-sided tree guards for three trees located on the opposite side of Dean Street across the street from the [B11] site [near Vanderbilt Avenue] will be installed.
New work at B2?

And despite improvements, notably the use of a red typeface and asterisks to purportedly indicate new work being reported, not everything indicated in red and with an asterisk actually is new. Whatever sloppiness or deceptiveness, it disserves the readers.

For example, the latest alert states, regarding the B2 modular tower at Flatbush Avenue and Dean Street:
*Work related to the erection of modules for floors 11, 12, and 13 is continuing during this reporting period.
* Limited interior work will begin on modules that have already been installed. 
Actually, that was announced in the previous alert.

New work at B3

There will be new work at the B3 tower site at Dean Street and Sixth Avenue:
*The approved MPT plan will be installed during this reporting period. This includes the installation of the site fence and gates as well as removal of street lights inside of the B3 MPT.
*Excavation and foundation activities will begin during this reporting period. Work includes drilling of soldier beams for the SOE system, soil excavation and the installation of lagging. Protocols for the trucks entering and exiting the site have been put in place, providing instruction on roadway routing to and from the project site, queuing of trucks while on site and vehicle idling restrictions.
*The removal of the stationary bollards and retractable bollards will take place during this reporting period.
Work at Railyard,- Block 1120 & 1121
*During this reporting period, the Contractor will continue excavation and hauling of soil from Blocks 1120 and 1121. Soil that has been classified as clean, contaminated or hazardous will be removed from the site as part of the excavation activities and brought to appropriate disposal locations. Protocols for the trucks entering and exiting the site have been put in place, providing instruction on roadway routing to and from the project site, queuing of trucks while on site and vehicle idling restrictions.
Support of Excavation (SOE) work including the installation of lagging and tiebacks will continue within this area during this reporting period.
Manhole and duct bank installations will be ongoing in Blocks 1120 and 1121 during this reporting period.
*Foundation footing and pier rebar, formwork, and concrete installations will be ongoing in Blocks 1120 and 1121 throughout this reporting period.
*Pacific Street Retaining wall rebar, formwork, and concrete installations will be ongoing in Block 1120 and 1121 throughout this reporting period.
*Caisson pile installation for load test(s) is scheduled in Block 1120 during this reporting period.
Demolition of Atlantic Avenue retaining wall in Block 1120 will continue during this reporting period. 
LIRR Yard Activities ā€“ Atlantic Avenue

This is indicated to be new, but, other than the bolded, is not:
*Excavation and hauling of soil will be ongoing during this reporting period.
*Support of Excavation (SOE) work including the installation of lagging and tiebacks will continue within this area during reporting period.
*Temporary utility relocation work at the west portal will be ongoing during this reporting period.
LIRR Yard Activities ā€“ Night/Weekend Work
Tunnel WorkWeekend Electrical Utility work (conduit and support installation) is being performed inside the LIRR Tunnel and will continue during this reporting period. Crews will access the Tunnel via the LIRR Yard entrance on Atlantic Avenue. This work is currently scheduled to continue through the end of 2015.
Atlantic Avenue and 6th Avenue Intersection*Friday June 5th through 5 AM Wednesday, June 10th
o The Atlantic Avenue and 6th Avenue intersection temporary decking will be completed
during this reporting period.
o 6th Avenue will be closed from Pacific Street to Atlantic Avenue (6th Ave Bridge) and there will be varying lane closures on Atlantic Avenue throughout the weekend to allow for temporary repaving of the Atlantic Ave and 6th Ave intersection.
o Work will include milling, grading, and paving of the intersection to complete installation of the temporary decking. This temporary decking will allow 6th Avenue to remain open while West Portal construction continues at the 6th Ave and Atlantic Ave intersection.
o There will be no pedestrian access on 6th Avenue between Pacific and the north side of Atlantic Avenue during the period referenced above.
o Flagmen and/or TEAs will be posted at the intersections to help direct traffic and pedestrians.
o Work will occur 24 hours a day during the period referenced above. A community notice was distributed on June 5, 2015 and On-Site Environmental Monitor (OEM) will be overseeing these activities. Portable fences with noise blankets will be used across the entire length of the fence
Block 1129, B11 ā€“ 550 Vanderbilt Avenue
*Installation of building foundations and installation of underground plumbing and electric materials will be completed during this period.
Backfilling on the West foundation wall utilizing stockpiled material is ongoing
Mobilization of the field office complex will continue during this reporting period.
*Three-sided tree guards for three trees located on the opposite side of Dean Street across the street from the site will be installed.
*Con Ed is scheduled to commence bringing additional electric power into a property manhole located within the site on Dean Street.
Block 1129, B14- 535 Carlton Avenue
*Excavation and foundation activities will continue during this reporting period. Work includes drilling of tie backs for the SOE system, soil excavation and the continued installation of lagging to the same elevation. Soil that has been classified as clean, contaminated or hazardous will be removed from the site as part of the excavation activities and brought to appropriate disposal locations. Protocols for the trucks entering and exiting the site have been put in place. These protocols provide instruction on roadway routing to and from the project site, queuing of trucks while on site and vehicle idling restrictions. [The first sentence is not new, but the rest of the paragraph is new]
A tie-back drill rig will be working, drilling the second and third level of tie backs for the SOE system. Drilling commenced in the northwest corner of the site at Pacific Street and Carlton Avenue and is working its way counterclockwise around the site.
Installation of spread footings and slab on grade is ongoing. A small crane will be used inside of the excavation to assist in concrete operations.
Installation of foundation waterproofing and pouring of foundation walls is ongoing.
Site mobilization will continue consisting of electrical work to power contractor field office and relocation of light poles to outside of site fence.
Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Brooklyn Construction Alert June 8 2015
