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Construction Alert: Dean Street (between Flatbush/6th) closed next M/W/Th from 9 am to 2 pm

This afternoon Empire State Development sent out a supplement to its two-week Construction Alert:
B-2 Tower, Modular Residential
New Information: Dean Street will be closed from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm next Monday, January 13thā€™ Wednesday, January 15th and Thursday, January 16th to install connections from AY T2 to the DEP water main in Dean Street. Work will consist of saw cutting the pavement, excavation, installation of the service pipe, wet tapping the water main, backfilling, and restoration of the pavement. The excavations will be plated over at the end of each work day. Signage regarding the closure will be posted at Flatbush Avenue & Dean Street intersection.
The closure is limited to Dean Street between Flatbush Avenue and Sixth Avenue.
