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BerlinRosen founders say "mission-driven company" turns away clients who don't share ideals (so, what about Ratner?)

Bloomberg News two days ago published a profile of BerlinRosen, headlined NYC Firm Helps De Blasio Go From Obscurity to Frontrunner:
BerlinRosen Public Affairs, the eight-year-old firm founded by Valerie Berlin and Jonathan Rosen, has built a reputation working behind the scenes for Democratic candidates and causes such as paid sick leave, limiting police stop-and-frisk tactics and universal preschool -- issues that dominated [Democratic nominee Bill] de Blasioā€™s message and helped take the 52-year-old from underdog to frontrunner.
With polls showing de Blasio 40 percentage points ahead of Joseph Lhota a week before the election, and with Lhotaā€™s fellow Republicans outnumbered 6-to-1 in the most populous U.S. city, de Blasio is likely to be the first Democrat to run New York since 1993. That leaves BerlinRosen poised to extend its influence and access to power.
The company sounds idealistic

The article states:
They call it a mission-driven company and said they turn away potential clients who donā€™t share their ideals and values. Some organizations they represent advocate raising the minimum wage, protecting voting rights and providing more services for poor children and families.
...Interviews with a dozen clients and peers elicited descriptions of BerlinRosenā€™s staff as smart, hard-working and good listeners... Assembly speaker [Sheldon] Silver said he relies on Rosen as a ā€œtrusted adviser.ā€
Um, should working for speaker-for-life Silver be a red flag?

The corporate biz

The article states:
Theyā€™ve also represented Brookfield Office Properties, a subsidiary of the owner of Zuccotti Park, from which Occupy Wall Street was ousted in 2011, and Bruce Ratner, founder and chairman of Forest City Ratner Cos., developer of Brooklynā€™s 22-acre Atlantic Yards, which includes Barclays Center with plans for thousands of market-rate and discount apartments.
My comment

I posted a comment responding on this line, "They call it a mission-driven company and said they turn away potential clients who donā€™t share their ideals and values."
Hmm... If you want to understand developer Forest City Ratner, check out the two posts below: "Atlantic Yards and The Culture of Cheating" and the story behind the developer's Yonkers project.
And, perhaps, count the number of people in FCR's orbit who get indicted.
