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Nets CEO Yormark optimistic about the bond sale, says team will recover from losing streak

New Jersey Nets CEO Brett Yormark appeared yesterday on WFAN's Boomer & Carton to talk about the team and Court of Appeals' dismissal of the Atlantic Yards lawsuit.

"It was a big moment for all of us, especially Bruce Ratner," Yormark said, saluting his boss. "He's been fighting so many battles over the last couple of years and, yesterday gave him a chance to feel good about what he's done over the past couple of years."

I guess that's one way of looking at it.

Moving forward

"We feel really good about the financing for the arena," Yormark added. "I think you'll hear some very positive news in the next couple of days from the rating agencies."

He said the bond sale would be completed by mid-December and "We'll break ground this year."

He said it was still the goal to move to Brooklyn and play basketball in the 2011-12 season.

Upside of losing streak?

Host Craig Carton pointed out the contrast between "this good news" and the team's epic losing streak, which, if they lose three more games on the West Coast road trip [they've lost one of them], would return with a chance to break a record: "If you come back to Jersey o and 17, I think you have a big crowd for that Mavericks game."

Yormark said that players and staff continue to work hard and, when injured players return, "we almost have a second season."

Paterson's role?

"I know you got good news, whether I agree with it or not," Carton said at one point of the decision.

Co-host Boomer Esiason, having read some news stories, asked Yormark whether Governor David Paterson could intervene--as AY opponents have requested--and stop the exercise of eminent domain.

"I'm not qualified to answer the question," Yormark replied. "All I know is we've had the support at all the governmental levels."

Later, Esiason told his co-host that, "According to Brett, New York is pushing it, they're involved in it, so I doubt the governor will do something."

I think they're right.
