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DDDB tries to manage expectation ahead of court ruling in eminent domain case

In a post headlined Eminent Domain Ruling Expected Soon...What Will it Mean?, Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn is trying to manage expectations ahead of the anticipated ruling--it could be as early as today, next Monday or Tuesday--by the Court of Appeals in the Atlantic Yards eminent domain case.

From DDDB:
We expect the Court to rule in the plaintiffs' favor, so they can keep their homes and businesses
If the Court does, the project is dead.

But if the Court rules against the plaintiffs,
the fight against the project is far from over.
Yes, there are other roadblocks--three lawsuits and an effort to get tax-exempt arena bonds rated and purchased in a tough market.

But the eminent domain case is the biggest one.

And, from the perspective of AY opponents, it's at best a toss-up. State eminent domain jurisprudence has been mostly in favor of condemnors. Then again, historical tides have been shifting.
