Despite some good publicity for the tournament, attendance last night was paltry--the stands were less than one-quarter full, and that's including those with VIP and volunteer passes. I had prepurchased tickets and got a call earlier in the week encouraging me to upgrade to a higher priced bracket for no service charge

That's too bad, because beach volleyball is a terrific sport--fast, acrobatic, and with barely-clad, taut-bodied athletes of both sexes. (It seemed a little retro to have the cuervy Cuervo Girls toss t-shirts to the crowd not long before the bikini'd but kickass women's volleyball players took the court. Olympiac gold medalist Kerri Walsh dominates the net like, say, Shaq during his younger days.)
Given the number of passers-by who tried to get a peek at the action through the fence, and the number of people in Coney Island generally, there's definitly a market out there.

(Below, a view of the cheap seats and, above it, a VIP section. As the sky darkened, the iconic Parachute Jump was lit, and it's a great backdrop for a night in Coney Island.)

The Volleyball stands looked pretty full on Sunday afternoon.