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If "supertall" near Junior's would close Flatbush during day for three years, similar impact likely from Pacific Park tower

Guess what: when you build big buildings, there are infrastructure consequences.

The Brooklyn Paper, in a 6/30/16 article headined Growing pains: Supertall construction to close Flatbush Ave. Ext. lane, reports:
The developer behind the forthcoming ā€œsupertallā€ high-rise plans to close a lane of traffic on Flatbush Avenue Extension for up to three years while it builds the gargantuan structure between Dekalb Avenue and Fleet Street, its rep revealed during a Community Board 2 transportation committee meeting last week.
Builder JDS Development plans to take over one of three Prospect Heights-bound traffic lanes and the parking spots adjacent to it during times the city considers ā€œnon-rush hoursā€ ā€” between 7 am and 4 pm ā€” according to spokesman James Corral.
But the thoroughfare is pretty much busy at all hours ā€” especially when Barclays Center hosts big events ā€” and locals are already shuddering at the thought of traffic backing up for years to come.
It's unclear how far the closure would extend. The Community Board need only vote on recommending the placement of a crane on an adjacent street, while the lane closure is solely a Department of Transportation issue. The location is behind Junior's and the Dime Savings Bank.

For watchers of Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park, well, consider that building on the relatively tight B1 site--over the arena plaza and through the oculus--would have significant consequences for Atlantic and Flatbush avenues.

And Greenland Forest City Partners' announced but still vague plans for a giant project at Site 5--the "Brooklyn Behemoth"--would surely constrain some or all of the adjacent streets: Fourth, Flatbush, and Atlantic avenues, and Pacific Street. It would be far bulkier, though likely not taller, than the JDS project.
