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Barclays Center/78th Precinct announce street closures/restrictions, starting today, for Sept. 12 Video Music Awards (and two days of pre-production). A "privacy fence" at arena plaza.

Yesterday, the Barclays Center announced an extensive series of street closures and restrictions nearby, starting today, for the 2021 Video Music Awards, which are being held on Sunday, September 12th. 

Note the announcement below, and a separate announcement yesterday from the 78th Precinct, which adds some details not mentioned by the arena, such as "privacy fence" at the arena plaza during the event, and the closure of additional streets, such as Pacific Street.

"To facilitate the vast production needs, the perimeter of the arenaā€™s streets and sidewalks will be restricted or closed," the Barclays Center announcement stated. "Pedestrians will be rerouted to the sidewalks across from the arena on Show Day."

(Of course the "vast production needs" have spillover impacts on the immediate neighborhood, but does the arena offer any giveback? Apparently not.)

Closures today

As indicated below, pieces of Dean Street, Flatbush Avenue, and Atlantic Avenue flanking the arena will be closing today, with reopening two or three days after the event. (Note: I'm not sure whether the "Eastside curb lane" on Flatbush is the east side of the arena, northbound, or the east side of the street, which is southbound.)

On the day of the show, sidewalks on immediately flanking streets will be closed, with access for residences. The arena plaza, with access to the subway station, will be closed Sept. 9 and Sept. 10 for rehearsals, and also on show day.

From the 78th Precinct

The message from Captain Frantz Souffrant Jr. Commanding Officer, cites pre-production recording on the evening of Thursday, September 9 and Friday, September 10, and the live performance on Sunday, September 12, 8-11 pm. 

"Please be advised that an 8-foot tall privacy fence will be erected around the Barclays Center Plaza obstructing the plazaā€™s interior view for the duration of the event," he wrote, "and that there will also be street closures in effect on Sunday, September, 12th, 2021."

The following street closures will be in effect from approximately 4 pm - 12 pm:

  • Atlantic Ave eastbound and westbound 4th Ave to Carlton Ave will be closed to vehicles
  • Southside of Atlantic Ave from Flatbush Ave to 6th Ave will be closed to pedestrians
  • Dean St from Flatbush Ave to 6th Ave will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians
  • Pacific Ave from Flatbush Ave to 4th Ave will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians
  • 6th Ave from Atlantic Ave to Bergen St will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians
