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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park infographics: what's built/coming/missing, who's responsible, + project overview/FAQ/timeline (pinned post)

PlaNYC's map for future residential growth

This slide on Potential Capacity for Residential Growth produced as part of Mayor Mike Bloomberg's PlaNYC 2030 sustainability has apparently been around for a while, but I hadn't seen it before.

Note that the slide says nothing about which neighborhoods should accommodate larger percentages of the growth; it simply lays out places for such growth.

(It's Slide 9 in this presentation by Ariella Rosenberg Maron, senior policy advisor on sustainability in the Mayor's Office of Operations, though I saw the same slide in a presentation last Saturday by Rohit Aggarwala, who directs the Office of Long-term Planning and Sustainability, at the annual conference of the Historic Districts Council.)

What about AY?

There are a couple of oddities. The slide, as far as I can tell, does not identify growth in Downtown Brooklyn, which is currently experiencing a luxury housing boom, an unanticipated consequence of the 2004 rezoning.

The large blue block in Brooklyn indicates rezonings in Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, and Bedford-Stuyvesant, with the southern border Atlantic Avenue. And a little smudge below that blue block is a yellow segment that I believe indicates Atlantic Yards.

Though the graphic is a little hard to blow up, that yellow segment appears to be an even rectangle, with no indication of the gap in the site plan. Maybe that was too hard to represent at such a small scale.

What the colors mean

According to the map legend, the blue indicates Department of City Planning initiatives or studies in the pipeline or pre-application. The green indicates Large Private Applications, greater than 200 units, in the pipeline/pre-application. The reddish color indicates large Public Site Projects, greater than 200 units, also in pipeline/pre-application. The yellow indicates Ares of Opportunity, either public or private initiatives. And the gray overlay indicates areas within one-half mile of a subway station.

That's a lot of opportunity for new development.
