Belated notice: for two years, a 16-foot fence plus sidewalk closings at Block 1129 to accommodate construction
Late yesterday afternoon, the developers of Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Brooklyn sent a Community Notice indicating major changes would begin next Thursday, lasting two years, to accommodate construction on the southeast block of the project site, including a 16-foot high fence aimed to dampen noise and the closing of sidewalks around the perimeter of the site.
The notice was headed, not inaccurately but somewhat incompletely, "Temporary Changes to the Roadway Network on Carlton Avenue, Vanderbilt Avenue, and Dean Street." None of the changes were hinted in the two-week Construction Alert sent this past Monday.
Note that, while the next tower to start, at 535 Carlton Avenue (the southwest corner of the block), is supposed to open in the fall of 2016, according to a fact sheet distributed by the New York City Housing Development Corporation, the text of the notice states that the "fence around the entire block will remain in place for approximately 24 months."
So either the building does not open by the fall of 2016, or the fence will not remain complete.
The other tower on the block, the condo tower at 550 Vanderbilt (the southeast corner of the block), is also supposed to break ground in December and presumably would be have a similar schedule.

From the Community Notice:
The notice was headed, not inaccurately but somewhat incompletely, "Temporary Changes to the Roadway Network on Carlton Avenue, Vanderbilt Avenue, and Dean Street." None of the changes were hinted in the two-week Construction Alert sent this past Monday.
Note that, while the next tower to start, at 535 Carlton Avenue (the southwest corner of the block), is supposed to open in the fall of 2016, according to a fact sheet distributed by the New York City Housing Development Corporation, the text of the notice states that the "fence around the entire block will remain in place for approximately 24 months."
So either the building does not open by the fall of 2016, or the fence will not remain complete.
The other tower on the block, the condo tower at 550 Vanderbilt (the southeast corner of the block), is also supposed to break ground in December and presumably would be have a similar schedule.

From the Community Notice:
Starting on or around Thursday, November 20th, 2014
A new 16ā high sound-attenuation fence will be installed to dampen construction noise related to the Pacific Park Brooklyn development (formerly Atlantic Yards). The fence will be built in phases and take approximately four weeks to complete. As a result, the block bounded by Carlton Avenue, Pacific Street, Vanderbilt Avenue, and Dean Street will see the following changes during the construction period:
1. The east sidewalk of Carlton Avenue between Dean and Pacific Streets will be closed to pedestrians. The roadway will be reduced to one travel lane, shared by drivers and bicyclists. Parking will not be permitted on either side of the street.
2. The north sidewalk of Dean Street between Carlton and Vanderbilt Avenues will be closed to pedestrians. The roadway will be reduced to one travel lane for drivers, and one bicycle lane. Parking will not be permitted on either side of the street.
3. The eastbound B65 bus stop at the southeast corner of Dean Street and Carlton Avenue will be relocated across Carlton Avenue to the southwest corner of the intersection. See the diagram below for clarification. The bus stop will remain here for the duration of construction.
4. The west sidewalk of Vanderbilt Avenue between Pacific and Dean Streets will be closed to pedestrians. The roadway will be reduced to one driving lane and one bicycle lane in each direction, with a left turn bay from southbound Vanderbilt Avenue onto Dean Street. Parking will not be permitted on either side of the street.
5. All eight crosswalks leading to this block will be closed, as indicated in the diagram below. Those on foot are encouraged to use the appropriate crosswalks to safely reach the other side of the street.
Work will proceed from two places: (a) from Carlton Avenue and Pacific Street, south towards Dean Street, wrapping around the corner, and progressing East towards the center of the block; and (b) from the center of the block on Dean Street, progressing East towards Vanderbilt Avenue, and wrapping around the corner north towards Pacific Street.
The fence around the entire block will remain in place for approximately 24 months. After that in early 2017, portions of the fence will removed and sidewalks and street parking will be restored as buildings are completed. It is anticipated that a smaller portion of the fence will remain in place on Dean Street through the summer of 2018.
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