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Next Atlantic Yards CDC meeting is Tuesday, must RSVP* Monday

Update: I don't think they will keep people out who didn't reserve. I tried to call the press line and was hung up on, so I didn't reserve.

The next meeting of the Directors of the Atlantic Yards Community Development Corporation, a subsidiary of Empire State Development is Tuesday, May 17, at 3 pm.

The location:
Long Island Universityā€™s Brooklyn Campus
Library Learning Center ā€“ 515 Conference Room (5th Floor)
One University Plaza (at Flatbush and DeKalb Avenues)
Brooklyn, New York 11201

This meeting is open to the public. Web casting of the meeting is available at

Those wishing to attend at LIUā€™s Brooklyn campus must RSVP by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 16, 2016. RSVP press line (800) 260-7313; RSVP public line (212) 803-3795.
