(Update: the closure will be Saturday, January 30 and Sunday, January 31, 2016 from 6 am to 5 pm, according to the notice at right.)
Something doesn't quite make sense. The sign posted yesterday, in the photo below, indicates that Sixth Avenue between Dean and Pacific Streets will be closed for two days, from 6 am Saturday through 9 pm Sunday either this weekend or next.
However, the Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Construction Alert issued last week stated that the closure would be simply for "one day," to allow for "Con Ed vault excavation and delivery of the Con Ed Vaults" for the B3 tower at the southeast corner of the arena block.
At the same time, a Community Notice regarding the work--which was scheduled for last Saturday, then canceled for weather--indicated that it would proceed from 7 am to 4 pm. See excerpt below left.
Now the time period is more than twice as long. Maybe the remaining snow cover makes for complications. But shouldn't there be an explanation?
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