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More (potential) tarnish on Barclays, as New York attorney general charges bank with fraud and deceit

As we know, Barclays PLC (public limited company) is an admitted cheater, paying $450 million in June 2012 to settle charges of interest rate manipulation.

You'd think the British bank might have wised up. Instead, its name--the name, of course, on the Barclays Center in Brooklyn--seems to have become further tarnished.

James B. Stewart, writing Barclays Suit Sheds Light on Trading in Shadows. in yesterday's New York Times, cites a case brought by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, charging Barclays with fraud and deceit:
And whatever the outcome of Mr. Schneidermanā€™s case, which charges Barclays, the big British bank, with fraud in its operation of a dark pool that secretly catered to high-frequency traders, the suit has already prompted an exodus of customers from the Barclays trading operation.
The suit should also be a signal to clients of all dark pools, which account for an estimated 40 percent of total trading volume, according to the attorney generalā€™s complaint. Those customers are mostly large institutions, like pension funds, asset managers and fund companies, which hold and manage the savings of millions of Americans.
Two-faced bank?

Particularly juicy is the notion that Barclays pledged transparency, protecting "large institutional investors from these very predators," but did the opposite, according to Schneiderman's complaint, writes Stewart:
While representing to institutional clients that only 6 percent of the trading in its dark pool could be classified as ā€œaggressive,ā€ an internal document described it as ā€œ50 percent aggressive.ā€ Though the bank promised to ā€œpoliceā€ aggressive trading, it did little or nothing to protect clients, the complaint claims.
And far from shunning predatory traders, Barclays courted them, the suit contends. It allowed high-frequency traders to connect directly to its servers; it processed orders so slowly that high-frequency traders had plenty of opportunity for latency arbitrage; and it charged high-frequency traders little or nothing to trade.
As one former Barclays director told the attorney general, far from protecting its institutional clients, the bank was ā€œalmost ensuring that every counterparty would be a high-frequency trading firm.ā€ He added, ā€œItā€™s almost like they are building a car and saying it has an air bag and there is no air bag or brakes.ā€
And who were the suckers?
One way Barclays made money was to execute trades in its dark pool, rather than on someone elseā€™s trading platform. But that meant it had to have counterparties in the pool for its large institutional clients, or the trade wouldnā€™t execute and would have to be routed elsewhere.
Who were the counterparties with that kind of liquidity? The high-frequency traders, who love being on the other side of trades with big institutions. ā€œTheyā€™re like widows and orphansā€ to high-frequency traders, Professor [John] Coffee said, because theyā€™re so slow and easy to take advantage of.
Barclays says it's cooperating with Schneiderman but hasnā€™t responded to the complaint. It looks like the AG has some juice; as stated in the complaint:
The Attorney Generalā€™s investigation has been aided significantly by a number of high-level former Barclays insiders, each of whom was in a position to observe much of the conduct described in this Complaint.
