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Modular flap: loose panels on Dean Street facade of some B2 modular units swing and clang with the breeze

A post two days ago on Atlantic Yards Watch, Dangerous loose panels on Dean Street?, suggested that loose panels on the upper floors of modular units on the B2 site along Dean Street might pose a threat--if wind gusts-- to pedestrian and vehicle safety.

It's hard to tell what danger they pose, but they certainly need some fixing. They weren't secured yesterday--not a typical workday--when I wandered by briefly at about 6:50 pm and shot the videos below.

In the first video, one panel flaps at about 25 seconds in, and two clang audibly at the 50 second-mark.

In the second video, two panels flap starting about 14 seconds in, at 32 seconds one flaps more audibly.

Note: I shot these videos in a five-minute visit, the only two times I turned on the camera. I wasn't waiting around for hours to see if something would happen. Thus, it's reasonable to assume that the problem has persisted at other times.

It strikes me as a relatively small issue to fix. We'll see if the fix can be done on site or whether the modules need to be returned to the factory (and whether there's some flaw with this set of modules).

When and if I learn there's a fix, I'll update this.
