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As Ringling Brothers' "Built to Amaze" arrives at Barclays Center, activists plan "New York's Biggest Circus Protest in History"

Updated with Construction Alert at bottom.

The circus is coming--and so are the protesters. On Wednesday, March 20, the Barclays Center hosts the first of 23 Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey shows, with the last coming on April 1.

And animal rights protesters will be out in force at 6 pm Wednesday, an hour before the show is scheduled to start.

As one commenter wrote in response to a Brooklyn Paper article:
Actually, Ringling Bros WAS recently fined by the USDA for violations of the Animal Welfare Act - $270,000, which is the largest fine ever against an animal exhibitor. Not to mention that under oath testimony from Ringling's owner and from various employees including the one in charge of training the baby elephants at the breeding center in FL demonstrate that the elephants are struck with bullhooks (like a fireplace poker) and chained for most of the day both in the center and on the road.If you would like to join us in telling Barclays that abuse is not welcome in Brooklyn, there will be a large opening night educational event outside the arena at 6 pm on March 20.
The coming protest

Here's PETA's factsheet on Ringling Brothers, and here's the circus's Animal Care FAQ.

Several animal rights groups are promising New York's Biggest Circus Protest in History! 3/20/2013. According to Facebook, some 400 protesters have said they're coming, another 150 are maybes, and another 2800 are invited.

More protests are coming:
Thursday, March 21, 6ā€“7 p.m.; Friday, March 22, 6ā€“7 p.m.; Tuesday, March 26, 1ā€“2 p.m.; Wednesday, March 27, 1ā€“2 p.m.; Thursday, March 28, 6ā€“7 p.m.; Friday, March 29, 1ā€“2 p.m. and 6-7:30 p.m.; Saturday. March 30, 2-3:30 p.m. and 6-7:30 p.m.; Sunday, March 31, 6-7:30 p.m.; Monday, April 1, 12-1 p.m. and 4ā€“5 p.m.
The trucks pile up

Meanwhile, as detailed on Atlantic Yards Watch, yesterday featured numerous circus-related trucks idling on and near residential Dean Street, the place where--as the New York Times assures us--noise is "negligible."

No notice of work

AYW also pointed to a crane and other equipment blocking a a no standing zone and a sidewalk on Sixth Avenue below Atlantic Avenue, to effectuate "the removal of the [below-grade] shantytown"--construction trailers, etc.--in the footprint for the yet-unbuilt B4 tower.

There was no notice of such work, AYW notes. (Updated: The two-week Construction Alert, due every other Monday, was issued yesterday, but not sent directly to me.) There were trucks idling on several nearby streets, including Pacific Street and Atlantic Avenue.

The Construction Alert, as in the previous one, details work on the B2 tower, the railyard, and the Dean Street Playground Comfort Station.
