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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park infographics: what's built/coming/missing, who's responsible, + project overview/FAQ/timeline (pinned post)

Number of construction jobs should peak at 600 (plus "hundreds" offsite), says FCR; however, ESDC in 2006 estimated 3710, in 2009 predicted 1954

How many construction workers will be working on the Atlantic Yards site?

According to an affidavit (p. 244 of the document below) by Forest City Ratner executive MaryAnne Gilmartin that's part of the case challenging the Atlantic Yards timetable, the Number of workers will rise to about 600 or more when construction activities reach their peak:
Under the current schedule for building the arena, the census of approximately 120 union workers who are actually employed at the site is expected to increase dramatically, and will rise to about 600 or more when construction activities reach their peak. And there are hundreds of other workers now employed for the Project off-site.
Previous estimates

That's far fewer than the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) predicted in 2006 and again just last year.

The Technical Memorandum issued in June 2009 by the ESDC offers quarter-by-quarter construction jobs estimates over an elapsed time of 13 years, as shown below.

The peak, when the entire arena block was supposed to be in construction, was 3710, according to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, or FEIS. (Click on graphic to enlarge for clarity.)

Looking more closely

The ESDC told the Daily News in October that the lowered numbers were explained by the delayed buildout, given that four buildings wouldn't be constructed simultaneously.

But the ESDC's assertion that the project would generate some 17,000 job-years depends on the project being built at the announced 8 million square feet, though a much smaller project is possible.

In other words, just as it did not produce an analysis of both a 25-year buildout and a ten-year buildout, the ESDC also didn't estimate the number of construction jobs if Atlantic Yards was to be built over a longer time period, and/or at diminished square footage.
Braun Notice of Cross Motion Affirmation &Affidavit
