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Study: sports facilities more lax about selling alcohol to underage & drunk

Was Kristyn LaPlante of Park Slope Neighbors, at the 8/23/06 hearing on the Atlantic Yards Draft Environmental Impact Statement, going too far when she alleged, "Drunken sports fans wonā€™t be urinating in the backyards of the luxury condos. Theyā€™ll be peeing on the stoops of the rest of us."

Well, she was pointing out that the open space at the project would most likely be closed when arena events ended.

Warnings in new study

And a new study points out that vendors at sports facilities are often wiling to sell alcohol to minors or people visibly intoxicated. As the New York Times reported September 1, a new study in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research shows that "alcohol was sold to 18 percent of the testers who appeared under age and 74 percent of the testers who appeared intoxicated."

The authors suggested better training of vendors and, potentially, the banning of alcohol sales. The latter is unlikely in the planned Barclays Center, where Bud Light is a founding partner.
