The article was flawed for all sorts of reasons, notably the claim that the arena was instantly gaining a skyline. (See the skyline announced in December 2003 here.) Instead, revised designs were being released, exclusively to the Times.
But a second look shows the real whopper below.Well, 2008-9 for the arena is of course way off. At the time, it was highly unlikely though not completely implausible, assuming a smooth environmental review process and no lawsuits.
2011: a fantasy
But could the entire project have been completed by 2011? That's ridiculous, given that the developer claimed when Atlantic Yards was announced in 2003 that it would take ten years to build.
Correction needed
Maybe the Times quoted Stuckey accurately, but he was blowing smoke. Or maybe the Times misquoted him in some way
A reader asked me if I was harder on the Times than other journalistic outlets that make factual errors in their AY coverage. The answer is yes. The Times is the "Paper of Record," or at least is/was perceived to be, and it's where researchers typically search. In the case of Atlantic Yards, the Times certainly shouldn't be the only source consulted.
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