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Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park FAQ, timeline, and infographics (pinned post)

With vague agenda for Tuesday's Quality of Life meeting, will we learn more about platform plans, affordability levels?

Empire State Development this week circulated the (typically vague) agenda for the next virtual Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Quality of Life Meeting, set for 6 pm on Tuesday, September 15.

The agenda indicates presentations from/regarding:
  • Empire State Development (ESD)
  • Atlantic Yards Community Development Corp.
  • Barclays Center
  • Greenland Forest City Partners (GLFC)
As noted, attendees will be able to submit questions and comments to presenters via the virtual platformā€™s chat feature or via email to

Issues and updates

Presumably we'll learn about progress at the construction sites for B4 (18 Sixth Ave.) and B15 (37 Sixth Ave.), as well as the belated start (when, exactly?) at the B12/B13 sites (615 Dean St. and 595 Dean St.).

When will we learn about the expected affordability of the units? After all, "affordable" does not mean low-cost, especially if most of the units are geared for households at 130% of Area Median
Income (AMI), which translates to monthly rents as of now:
  • Studio: $2,155
  • 1 BR: $2,700
  • 2 BR: $3,235
  • 3 BR: $3,728
Those rents likely will be higher once the buildings open. (The monthly rent for the low-income units, at 70% of AMI, is well below market, but still not insignificant.)

Will we get an update--fudged at the last meeting--on whether the platform actually will start in 2020, as once promised, or at least whether a contract has been signed?

Similarly, will we get an update for the B5 tower, the first over the platform? A permit application was sought but not approved in May, part of a long process , and no new permit, as far as I can tell, has been sought.

Also, residents of the project and nearby neighbors may raise issues about operational or construction impacts.

Regarding the arena

We'll surely hear from a Barclays Center representative about the arena serving as a voting location and a place for distribution of food aid, but probably a lot less about the citizen proposal for the arena to support public schools.

Similarly, we'll hear about the Brooklyn Nets' new coach, Steve Nash, and the owner's social justice commitment fund, but probably less about exactly how much they're paying workers.

Meeting details

Tuesday, September 15, 2020 @ 6:00 PM
Via Zoom Virtual Conferencing
Dial In: +16465588656,,92119546062#
Meeting ID: 921 195 46062


  1. this is the main reason why people are moving out of newyork, rents always rising, pay increase on your check a stand still, but who cares, mention the word low income, and it becomes criminal, mention the word affordable equals high rents, nyc politicians have failed newyorkers, mainly tax paying low income workers,seniors, and the disable


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