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From the latest Construction Update: a stealth increase in after-hours work (which had been previously approved, without notice)

The latest Atlantic Yards/Pacific Park Construction Update (bottom), covering the two weeks beginning Monday, May 18 (tomorrow), was circulated Friday, 5/15/20 at 4:24 pm (lead time) by Empire State Development (ESD) after preparation by Greenland Forest City Partners.

Judging from the text in red in the document below, the main new work involves work in the cellar, involving materials/systems as well as rooms, at the B4 (18 Sixth Avenue and B15 (37 Sixth Avenue, 662-4 Pacific Street) sites.

(The other signposted new work involves pre-construction surveying and soil sampling activities at the B12 and B13 sites, where construction was once expected to start by June.)

However, the update includes a rather stealth acknowledgment of after-hours work at both B4 and B15, not signposted in red:
Protocols and facilities have been put in place to ensure an orderly, safe workplace in accordance with current government requirements and permits, which include weekday start times at 7 AM and lasting until 7 PM and Saturday permits starting at 8 AM until 5 PM
While the term "after-hours" is not used, after-hours variances are required for those seeking to perform construction activity before 7 am and after 6 pm, or on a Saturday or Sunday, according to the Department of Buildings (DOB).

Notably, previous Saturday work at the sites was between 9 am and 5 pm, so this represents an earlier start.

What the DOB says

After-hours work may have already begun. The DOB web site indicates that, starting last Thursday, 5/14/20, the developer got an after-hours variance for weekday work at 37 Sixth until 9 pm. As of yesterday, the DOB granted a variance for Saturday work from 9 am to 5 pm. (That's not 8 am.)

Such changes were not announced in the previous Construction Update.

Moreover, the DOB indicates previous after-hours variances for 37 Sixth: for Saturday work on 4/25/20 and 5/2/20, and for weekday work until 9 pm on both following weeks. Such work was not indicated on either of the two previous Construction Updates.

At 18 Sixth, a current variance allows Saturday work from 8 am to 5 pm, starting yesterday. It also indicates a weekday variance, allowing work to start at 6 am and to extend until 9 pm, for the seven workdays beginning 5/7/20.

Such changes were not announced in the previous Construction Update.

New variances coming?

Presumably new variances were expected for the work starting this week at 18 Sixth.

Indeed, a look at the DOB's web site for after-hours variances shows, as indicated in the screenshot at right, a variance for 37 Sixth but not for 18 Sixth.

Also, oddly enough, it states "no" regarding weekend work at 37 Sixth. But such work has already been approved.
